Lite bilder o en video från när Anna var med på Screen Actors Guild Awards :D Anna var nominerad i kategorin ”‘Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role’”, men vann tyvärr inte rollen :/ Men hade det varit en tävling för snyggaste skådespelarinna i lilla klänning hade hon garanterat vunnit ;)
Peter playing the role of Carlisle must be a lot different than Dr. Fitch Cooper because obviously Carlisle is a vampire, but are there any other differeance?
Peter: they’re 180 degrees apart. carlisle is a very calming figure and the foundation and rock of a family. Cooper is a lot more energetic and immature than Carlisle. I think the only thing they have in common is they both wear white coats
Hello Peter, I am a 30- something fan of yours from Colorado. First I’d like to just say that you brought the chracter of Carlisle to life on the screen and added a lot of dimension to him so thank you for your performance. My question is: Are you glad you did the Twilight Saga (not that it’s quite done yet) and where would you like to see your career go from here? Thank you so much for your time!
Peter: I’m very excited to be a part of the Twilight Saga. It’s very rare for a movie to have this kind of efect on people and to be a cultural phenomenon. I try to do things that I haven’t done before – hopefully I’ll continue to do so, and continue to surprise the audience and surprise myself
Hey. I’ve seen a lot of your interviews and I’ve noticed that you are never asked any of the basic questions! Like, what’s your favorite song? Peter: you know, I have such an eclectic taste when it comes to music, so that’s a very difficult question for me. I’ll listen to everything from Eminem to Elvis Presley to The Beatles. Don’t have a favorite band that I listen too — kind of like a little bit of everything
What is your favorite thing about playing a vampire?
Peter: I think being a vampire is fun because you get to live forever. as an actor, the coolest thing about playing a vampire is that vampires are cool right now, so it’s fun to play one
Hi Peter, Hope you are well! Q: If you could be any character other than your own in the saga, who would that be and why? Thank You for all the time you give to us fans on twitter! xx
Peter: Edward, for a bunch of reasons, if I were younger would be a great character to play. If I couldn’t play Edward I’m quite happy playing the dad. I don’t think the apple falls far from the tree. Can you play any instruments and are you a good singer? ;D Peter: I always sing in the shower. I can play maybe 2 songs on the guitar — Blackbird (Beatles) and La Bamba
Do you have a dream role you’d like to play, if so what?
Peter: I don’t know what that is — I like having scripts come to me and they either strike a chord with me or not. When I was younger, I always wanted to play Spiderman…but that didn’t happen. There are some genres I’d like to play in- westers, action, romantic comedy. There are some things I’ve been writing, and hopefully I can get financing and make those films. who inspired you to act?
Peter: My inspriations were Paul Newman and Robert Redford – Saw a movie ”Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid” and those guys looked like they were having a lot of fun and I decided that’s what I wanted to do. Now I like Sean Penn and what he’s doing. Gary Oldman. I like to be surprised by an actor – you never know what you’re going to get and they don’t play the same role. I try to take on contrasting roles, like Carlisle and Cooper
Team Taylor or Team Robert?
Peter: haha – I gotta go Team Robert. he’s my family. I love Taylor, but Rob plays my son so I got to keep it in the family. But as far as the real actors in the film — I think they’re both immensely talented and I support both of them.
If you’re not an actor, what would be your job? Peter: I’d be working at Blockbusters so I could watch a lot of movies. If I could do something else in the entertainment industry I’d be either a director or a writer…I’d have to be able to tell a story one way or another. I’m writing now and hope to direct some day. would like to do all 3 one day – write, direct and act
Hi Peter, i’ve 14 years old, and i’m from Brazil, i wanted to ask you how was the fight scenes in Eclipse for you? And the preparation, it was hard?
Peter: The fight scenes prep was tedious but fun. I enjoyed it immensely. Going to work and training, doing fight choreography and working out was fun. We had about 5 weeks to prep, so every day we were working really hard. It wasn’t like digging ditches, but it was fun to be able to go in and be a part of that. It became very competitive within the cast What actors do you want to work with in the future?
Peter: I’d love to work with Clint Eastwood, Sean Penn, Denzel Washington, Robert De Niro and Al Pacino. I’ve been really fortunate to work with some really great, talented people in my career and I’m looking forward to continuing that.
"We had the pleasure of interviewing one of our fave girls on the planet, Kristen Stewart, earlier today at the Sundance premiere of her film Welcome to the Rileys.
K.Stew looked Park City chic, bundled in a green jacket with her dark Joan Jett hair loosely pulled back, and was eager to talk about one of the roles she claimed to be most proud of. In WTTR, Kristen plays a ”working girl,” as she prefers to say, making it clear to her fans out there she’s not just Bella Swan from Twilight. Read on to hear Kristen talk about befriending strippers, what bores her, and how she freaked out before taking it all off onscreen…
Everyone is raving about your performance—how did you prepare for this particular, shall we say, slightly more risqué role?
”Umm, Jake [Scott, the director] had a lot to do with my preparation and understanding of the type of person I was playing, and his serious regard of sensitivity towards those people. I play a girl who has sort of been stripped of any choice and really stripped of any normal upbringing. Like she couldn’t establish who she was because of things that have happened to her and she became a ‘working girl,’ if you want to call it that.
”So in preparing for the role I talked to a lot of people, actually like three people in New Orleans, that were strippers that were working in this bar that we ended up using in the movie…I don’t really prepare for anything, it’s just about like, keeping it in your mind the whole time. If it affects you…it’s just about understanding it more, it’s not about having to like physically—oh, but I did have to do pole dancing lessons! But you don’t really see that in the movies.”
Oh, so you’ve got some sexy skills now!
”Yeah yeah.”
Do you get nervous when you have to shoot the more provocative scenes?
”I was freaking out! The thing is my character is so, like, she just doesn’t care. Basically nothing belongs to her. She’ll give it to you like it doesn’t bother [her]. So I had to drop that. She literally walks around with an open sore. Literally! She’s just constantly like, ‘Ugh, I’m fine, whatever.’”
Now that you’re getting back to work, please tell us you were able to enjoy your time off after all the New Moon press.
”Yeah, I’m actually bored for the first time in, like, ever. So, yeah, I really want to get back to work.”
MTV har gjort en sammanfattande lista med filmer som kommer där castmedlemar från Twilight är med :D
While the ”Twilight Saga” may be giving us some of the biggest blockbusters of its time, most of the series’ stars are indie actors at heart. It’s no surprise, then, that this week’s Sundance Film Festival will unveil three highly anticipated films for Twilighters: ”The Runaways,” ”Welcome to the Rileys” and ”Skateland.”
In 2010, however, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. From blockbusters to indies, quirky love stories to serious dramas, the ”Twilight” gang is branching out. With that in mind, here are the top 10 ”Twilight”-related movies of 2010 (release dates subject to change, of course). How many will you be lining up to see?
”The Runaways” (March 19)(Kristen Stewart & Dakota Fanning) What more can we write about this eagerly anticipated biopic covering the ’70s rockers who broke boundaries, hearts and more than a few pieces of their own equipment? Kristen Stewart rocks out alongside Dakota Fanning, Scout Taylor-Compton and Alia Shawkat, and if the trailer we premiered last month is any indication, this film could prove to the haters that KStew is a lot more than just Bella Swan. Kristen as Joan Jett? Put another dime in the jukebox, baby.
”Remember Me” (March 12)(Robert Pattinson) All of Hollywood is asking one simple question these days: Can Rob Pattinson open a non-”Twilight” movie? We’ll find out soon enough, as he stars alongside Emilie de Ravin in this romantic drama that similarly involves family, tragedy and issues of eternal love — but minus the bloodsucking.
”Warrior” (TBD)(Kellan Lutz & Ashley Greene) Kellan Lutz finally lands his first starring role in this indie film about a lacrosse player who reacts to his father’s death by rebelling against anything he can find — until his dad’s old Marine buddy becomes determined to straighten him out. Besides the fact that it gives ”Twilight” fans a double dose of their favorite stars, there’s something oddly fascinating about the fact that Ashley Greene plays Kellan’s girlfriend.
”Welcome to the Rileys” (TBD)(Kristen Stewart) James Gandolfini is Doug, a man whose life is in shambles since his daughter was killed eight years ago. Kristen Stewart is Mallory, a 16-year-old stripper who offers him sex — but all he wants is someone to be with while he gets his head together. As Doug’s wife also comes into the equation, the couple find themselves acting as surrogate parents for the wayward teen. All reports are that it’s KStew’s most adult role yet — and we’ll learn plenty more soon enough as the Sundance reports roll in.
”Girlfriend” (TBD)(Jackson Rathbone) Like so many of his franchise co-stars, Jackson Rathbone will aim to bust out as a leading man in 2010. This intense indie film has Jacksper playing a man caught up in an unorthodox love triangle involving a man with Down syndrome. Jackson is providing the soundtrack through his band 100 Monkeys, and if their music is any indication this will be a film that isn’t afraid to take some risks.
”Scott Pilgrim vs. the World” (TBD)(Anna Kendrick) Even if ”Twilight” star Anna Kendrick weren’t in this, it would still be one of our most anticipated films of the year. Based on the beloved Bryan Lee O’Malley graphic novels, the movie focuses on a 23-year-old slacker (Michael Cera) who falls in love with a girl (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) but has to battle her seven evil ex-boyfriends if he wants to get a chance with her. Kendrick has said the film is ”really fun” and that she spends the whole movie screaming at Michael Cera on the phone — sounds good enough for us!
”Eclipse” (June 30)(Jah, allihopa! ;D) It’s the big kahuna, the top dog, the whole enchilada. And so far, virtually nothing has been released that gives us any indication of what David Slade’s ”Twilight” movie will be like. Who are we kidding? We’re there anyway.
”Valentine’s Day” (February 12) (Taylor Launtner) OK, so half of Hollywood is in this movie. But the two that ”Twilight” fans will care about most are Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner — in his first post-”Saga” acting appearance. It promises to be this year’s ”He’s Just Not That Into You,” and all indications are that the Taylors have a small amount of screen time. But they spend it making out — so how can you not be curious?
”The Last Airbender” (July 2)(Jackson Rathbone) Now we all understand why they dropped ”Avatar” from the title. But although this M. Night Shyamalan-directed adaptation of the popular kids’ franchise might not make a billion dollars, it still seems likely to be the biggest non-”Twilight” blockbuster that any of the franchise’s alumni will be involved with this year. Jackson Rathbone stars as Sokka, a warrior who wields swords and martial arts as powerfully as Jasper Hale does that creepy stare.
”Skateland” (TBD) (Ashley Greene) Over the last few years, it’s been fascinating to watch all the ”Twilight” stars navigate their own unique paths from obscurity to ubiquity. Miss Ashley Greene has used her fashion sense and well-spoken demeanor to make the most out of her minimal screen time as Alice Cullen — and now she may be ready to take the next step with this ’80s drama about a small-town Texas skating rink. Lucky Twilighters venturing to Sundance will be able to catch a sneak peek of the flick, which should prove that Ashley is ready to take off the training wheels.
Enligt Just Jared så ska Kellan spela in en film i början av februari med Mandy Moore. Filmen ska heta “Love, Wedding, Marriage” och är en romantisk komedi!Handling:The romantic comedy has Mandy playing a marriage counselor whose parents separate after many, many years together. She feverishly attempts to get them back together, jeopardizing her own marriage.
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/Ronja , Emy, Olivia & Lisa
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Boss/Skribent: Ronja Ålder: 19 år
Favoritbok: Eclipse
Skribent: Emy Ålder: 17 år
Favoritbok: Eclipse
Skribent: Olivia Ålder: 16 år
Favoritbok: -
Web-desingner: Lisa Ålder: 19 år
Favoritbok: Breaking Dawn
Vi jobbar på denna blogg som för att ge dig senaste nytt om twilightfenomenet och vi har oftast daglig uppdatering (ofta flera gånger varje dag) så följ oss och glöm inte att kommentera om era åsikter för förbättring, åsikter eller bara creed :D
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"Be Safe" - Edward Cullen, Twilight.
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Vi äger inga av bilderna vi lägger upp, dem är lånade!
Vi är här på Breathing Twilight södjer: -"Respect me"- för Rob och Kristen's prodjekt så vi lägger alltså vi försöker att lägga upp så lite paparazzi bilder som möjligt för att respektera våra huvudrollsinhavare men även samtliga casten!
- Vi vill ha så bra sammarbete mellan bloggarna som det bara går o uppger gärna bloggar som källor ;) gör det du med!
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- Tävlingar som du kan delta i och vinna fina priser :D
- "Twilight-bloggar-pepp" vi peppar andra bloggar, för det är det som är roligt som bloggare- att få beröm och kritik :D