Long time no seen mina kära Twerdar, men nu har vi fått in en ny ansökan om ett Twilight-bloggar-pepp från denna bloggen:
(Banner saknas då den tillhör bloggaren)
RobertFans (http://robertfans.blogg.se/)
En blogg man kan tro bara symboliserar kring Robert himself men som lägger upp allt från Robert till sennaste nytt även i Vampire diaries världen :)
En fräsch och härlig blogg med härliga skribenter.
Men inte nog med detta så tillverkar dem även Twilight-smycken!
Så kolla in bloggen nu :)
och för er som vill bli peppade? se meddelandet ovan!
(BTW! när man blivit T-B-P så blir man även länkad från oss här på BT i våran länklista!)
Be Safe/ronjiisss
lördag 3 april 2010
Bilder från inpselningen av Ashley's Apparition
Andra Filmer Med Casten,
Ashley Greene,
Engelska Fans SE HIT!: Chans att vinna Robert- the chocolate head!
TwilightGrejer fick ett ganska annorlunda tips på en tävling från Lovefilm.se (OBS! texten är dirket kopierad från källan):
Här är ett lite udda Twilight-tips mitt i påsken.
Jag heter Ola och jobbar med filmsajten LOVEFiLM. Våra engelska kollegor på Europas största filmsajt LOVEFiLM.com gjorde precis en undersökning om vem som är Hollywoods läckraste man. På första plats, före snyggingar som Jonny Depp, George Clooney och Brad Pitt, placerades just Robert Pattinson.
Med påsken för dörren, godishögtiden före alla, kändes det fullkomligt logiskt att be chokladskulptrisen Prudence Staite använda två veckor och 18 kilo belgisk choklad för att skapa en chokladbyst av Robert i naturlig storlek.
LOVEFiLM UK har utlyst en tävling (endast UK) om att vinna huvudet och engelska Twilight-fans har mer eller mindre belägrat sajten i hopp om att få en munsbit av sin idol. En lycklig vinnare kommer att ha till december på sig att knapra på sin idol innan bäst före-datumet går ut.
Här kan ni läsa mer om tävlingen och se en kort film hur chokladskulpturen växer fram, http://www.lovefilm.com/RobertPattinson
Glad påsk/Ola
Själv tycker jag att skupturen ser rätt läsikg ut... inte särsklit lik ut heller... men det är nog väldigt svårt att jobba i chocklad :)
Här är ett lite udda Twilight-tips mitt i påsken.
Jag heter Ola och jobbar med filmsajten LOVEFiLM. Våra engelska kollegor på Europas största filmsajt LOVEFiLM.com gjorde precis en undersökning om vem som är Hollywoods läckraste man. På första plats, före snyggingar som Jonny Depp, George Clooney och Brad Pitt, placerades just Robert Pattinson.
Med påsken för dörren, godishögtiden före alla, kändes det fullkomligt logiskt att be chokladskulptrisen Prudence Staite använda två veckor och 18 kilo belgisk choklad för att skapa en chokladbyst av Robert i naturlig storlek.
LOVEFiLM UK har utlyst en tävling (endast UK) om att vinna huvudet och engelska Twilight-fans har mer eller mindre belägrat sajten i hopp om att få en munsbit av sin idol. En lycklig vinnare kommer att ha till december på sig att knapra på sin idol innan bäst före-datumet går ut.
Här kan ni läsa mer om tävlingen och se en kort film hur chokladskulpturen växer fram, http://www.lovefilm.com/RobertPattinson
Glad påsk/Ola

Be Safe/ronjiisss
Robert Pattinson,
Intervju med Bryce Dalls Howard om Eclipse :)
SNMag: What has it been like joining the cast of Twilight?
BDH: It’s a really extraordinary series and obviously the franchise really reflects what Stephenie Meyer has created with a lot of integrity. She’s so involved with the movies and it is really wonderful. It’s really an incredible storytelling moment. And people are really connecting with and responding to that. So I read the books and I just did my best for the character Victoria. I just wanted to do my best not to interfere with the books.
SNMag: Did you feel pressure coming into this, with the character already being established?
BDH: Yes, of course I did. Rachelle [Lefevre] did an extraordinary job at creating Victoria and part of the joy of a franchise like this is getting to see not only the characters grow but the actors continuing to grow with the characters. That’s a lot of the joy in the Harry Potter series. Every time I see one of those movies it’s so exciting to see them because they’re all getting a little bit older and different things are happening to them. It’s like watching a TV show. You start to connect with the actors really deeply. It was really unfortunate for everybody that Rachelle left. I did feel, I don’t know if I should say a pressure, but an enormous responsibility because the fans felt really strongly about the role of Victoria and they felt a deep connection to Rachelle, which they should because she is also beautiful and talented. I really did do my best and I hope that whatever work I did can somehow honor what had been created before and what was created by Stephenie. I felt really grateful to this because Rachelle and I have connected. She’s an amazing woman and has been enormously and overwhelmingly helpful.
SNMag: What was the shooting like for you? Did you have an opportunity to hang out with the cast and bond with them?
BDH: Oh, yes, I mean they’re a very tight-knit group of people who are just wonderful. They’re incredibly authentic and none of them are getting swept up by the mania of this. They just care about each other and are protective of each other. They are just a great group of friends. I feel like all of these people would have been friends regardless. They all bonded through this amazing moment that’s happening in their lives.
Be Safe/ronjiisss
BDH: It’s a really extraordinary series and obviously the franchise really reflects what Stephenie Meyer has created with a lot of integrity. She’s so involved with the movies and it is really wonderful. It’s really an incredible storytelling moment. And people are really connecting with and responding to that. So I read the books and I just did my best for the character Victoria. I just wanted to do my best not to interfere with the books.
SNMag: Did you feel pressure coming into this, with the character already being established?
BDH: Yes, of course I did. Rachelle [Lefevre] did an extraordinary job at creating Victoria and part of the joy of a franchise like this is getting to see not only the characters grow but the actors continuing to grow with the characters. That’s a lot of the joy in the Harry Potter series. Every time I see one of those movies it’s so exciting to see them because they’re all getting a little bit older and different things are happening to them. It’s like watching a TV show. You start to connect with the actors really deeply. It was really unfortunate for everybody that Rachelle left. I did feel, I don’t know if I should say a pressure, but an enormous responsibility because the fans felt really strongly about the role of Victoria and they felt a deep connection to Rachelle, which they should because she is also beautiful and talented. I really did do my best and I hope that whatever work I did can somehow honor what had been created before and what was created by Stephenie. I felt really grateful to this because Rachelle and I have connected. She’s an amazing woman and has been enormously and overwhelmingly helpful.
SNMag: What was the shooting like for you? Did you have an opportunity to hang out with the cast and bond with them?
BDH: Oh, yes, I mean they’re a very tight-knit group of people who are just wonderful. They’re incredibly authentic and none of them are getting swept up by the mania of this. They just care about each other and are protective of each other. They are just a great group of friends. I feel like all of these people would have been friends regardless. They all bonded through this amazing moment that’s happening in their lives.
Be Safe/ronjiisss
Bryce Dallas Howard,
Ny intervju med Nikki Reed ;)
Be Safe/ronjiisss
Nikki Reed,
The Cullen's genom filmerna:
New Moon,
The cullens,
BooBoo går i Kellan's avtryck!
Som vi tidigare uppmärksammat så är Kellan involverad i "Don't buy- adopt"-kampanjer för hundar i nöd!
och häromdagen på premiären av "How to train a dragon" (Draktränaren) bar BooBoo denna söta tröja:
Eclipse star Boo Boo Stewart showed his pride for shelter animals by wearing a shirt that read, “For The Love of Dog Adopt” to the How To Train Your Dragon premier.
Although adoption is always in need, taking in a permanent extra family member isn’t the only way you can help your local animal shelter.
Volunteer, promote an adoption drive, become a foster parent or donate money to cover costs of food, litter and other supplies and services.
For the love of dog, just do something!
och häromdagen på premiären av "How to train a dragon" (Draktränaren) bar BooBoo denna söta tröja:

Although adoption is always in need, taking in a permanent extra family member isn’t the only way you can help your local animal shelter.
Volunteer, promote an adoption drive, become a foster parent or donate money to cover costs of food, litter and other supplies and services.
For the love of dog, just do something!
Be Safe/ronjiisss
Booboo Stewart,
BooBoo's mamma ger ut sitt hemliga tofu-recept!
Under en festival frågade Vegetarian Times BooBoo Stewart vilken hans favorit vegistariska rätt var? och svaret blev hans mammas special av japansk Tofu!
Sennare fick dem även chans att prata med BooBoo's mamma Renee som svarar på hur man tillagar maten:
During the ceremony, Vegetarian Times editor caught up with several celebrities to ask about their favorite vegetarian meals.
Boo Boo Stewart answered, “Tofu, my mom makes it all the time!”
For those that don’t have Boo Boo’s mom around (or any mother who will still cook for you once you’vereached, oh, dunno 35 years of age or so) there’s help.
Renee Stewart explained all the details of her fabulous Japanese style tofu atthe awards, with the best simplicity.
“Drain it; cut it in cubes; drizzle it with sesame oil and soy sauce; and sprinkle it withdried chives, sesame seeds, and dried seaweed.”
Boo should never move out of mom’s house.
Be Safe/ronjiisss
Sennare fick dem även chans att prata med BooBoo's mamma Renee som svarar på hur man tillagar maten:

Boo Boo Stewart answered, “Tofu, my mom makes it all the time!”
For those that don’t have Boo Boo’s mom around (or any mother who will still cook for you once you’vereached, oh, dunno 35 years of age or so) there’s help.
Renee Stewart explained all the details of her fabulous Japanese style tofu atthe awards, with the best simplicity.
“Drain it; cut it in cubes; drizzle it with sesame oil and soy sauce; and sprinkle it withdried chives, sesame seeds, and dried seaweed.”
Boo should never move out of mom’s house.
Be Safe/ronjiisss
Booboo Stewart,
Bilder från inspelningen av Robert's Bel Ami :)
Andra Filmer Med Casten,
Robert Pattinson
Video på Robert: the Choclate head :)
Robert Pattinson,
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