Vare sig rycktet om förlovningen med Bonnie Wright så har vi lite plåster på såren och möjligen lite mer bilder för framtida candy-for-blomish från Vogue Italia!
DEN ÄR HÄR KÄRA TWERDAR! SOM VI VÄNTAT... Jag skakar, har just skrikit o pipit som en galning och tårar av glädje och överexalti! Eclipse kommer bli grym!
Här är trailern med Dakota och Oprah's presentation:
Harry Potter star Bonnie Wright has worked her magic on boyfriend Jamie Campbell Bower – the two young Brits are reportedly engaged. The couple were overheard talking about the happy news at a Gucci party hosted by music producer Mark Ronson in London on Wednesday night. A source says, “Bonnie was even showing off her glittering engagement ring.” Wright recently went public with the romance six months after she started dating The Twilight Saga: New Moon star. She cooed, “We met at a party and we just really clicked straight away. He’s a great guy, and we just enjoy spending time together… He’s really lovely. Everything is going great.” The two stars met on the set of the upcoming Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows: Part 1.
men om det är sant så plockar jag fram lite näsdukar åt galna-jamie-fanet... Blomman! :(
WHO: Xavier Samuel AGE: 26 HOMETOWN: Adelaide, Australia
BONA FIDES: A 2005 graduate of Flinders University Drama Centre program in Adelaide (taking on Hamlet at his graduate performance); a major role in Australian films every year since.
WHY NOW: He’s been newly minted as the “hot” vampire in the wildly popular Twilight franchise, making his debut in its third installment, Eclipse, due out this summer. Rumored to have beaten out Channing Tatum and Harry Potter actor Tom Felton, Samuel landed the role of Riley, right-hand vampire to Bryce Dallas Howard ’s villainess, Victoria. “He’s essentially a tragic character,” Samuel says. “[Director] David Slade and I talked a lot about conveying how complex he is—he’s harboring extreme jealousy and hatred for humanity because that’s exactly what he’s been deprived of.”
WHY HE’LL LAST: Samuel’s compulsively watchable performances in Australian movies such as 2008’s Newcastle (he played a nottotally- out-of-the-closet Goth teenager struggling to find his place in a clique of hard-core surf junkies) are in part a product of working on small-budget sets filming at breakneck paces. “Most of the Australian films I’ve worked on shot for five weeks max, and a second take was a luxury. It taught me to be prepared and focused from the beginning.”
BUT IS HE READY FOR TWILIGHT-LEVEL FAME? “I haven’t quite got my hands on any brochure that says, ‘In the event that you become insanely famous, what do you do?’ But I think I can take a leaf from Rob and Kristen’s book. They’ve done a good job keeping their wits in the whirlwind of it all but also letting it get them where they want to be future-role-wise.”
PROOF HE REALLY DOES DO HIS HOMEWORK: Photos leaked on the Internet of Samuel and Howard filming their highly anticipated kissing scene, one they aptly prepped for. “Bryce and I watched YouTube clips of the best kisses in cinematic history for research,” he says. Yes, but how did he get on with the practicing? “What happens in the rehearsal room stays in the rehearsal room.”
KRISTEN STEWART, 20 When you think Valley girl the Twilight star, who plays tortured loner Bella Swan, doesn’t exactly come to mind. And you won’t catch this California native slaving over the latest fashion and beauty trends. “I think it’s ridiculous that you need to look a certain way to be conventionally pretty,” she declares.
Kristen Stewart really is shy and insecure, even though she’s got an incredible acting career, including starring in the summer’s most anticipated release, Eclipse! Read on to find out what she told Flaunt about just how much self-doubt consumes her!
Under those slumped shoulders and often cold-glare eyes, Kristen Stewart is just as insecure as the rest of us — so she proves in an incredibly revealing new interview in Flaunt magazine. The Twilight star tells Flaunt’s Gregg Lagambina that she was wracked with nerves before her latest film, The Runaways, debuted at Sundance. “I thought everyone would write shit reviews. I thought everyone was waiting, itching to say that I should just go back to Twilight. And no one said that. I put so much into it. I would have died working on that movie. So if they did say those bad things, then I might as well just stop now.”
Kristen also explains why — at least in her mind — she might come off as aloof and standoffish to others. “I get defensive and that has probably perpetuated people’s idea of me never smiling. I kind of shake my leg too, so people think I’m always uncomfortable.”
As for how she makes her film choices, K suggests it’s all just instinct: “Who knows what you’re going to connect with and then be able to live up to? I can’t just read a script and say it’s great because there’s a part for me, my age, perfect—I can’t live that life. You know what I mean? That’s just not me.”
And she takes us deep into how fame has changed her: “Yeah, I definitely act differently. I’m definitely overcoming a lot of it. The only insecurity I’ve developed is just being overly paranoid about everyone looking at you when they’re not.”
4. Taylor Lautner At only 18, Taylor Lautner is famous for tearing it up as werewolf Jacob in the ”Twilight” movies. TURN ONS: The most important quality in a girl is [the ability] to let loose, have fun.
Move over Taylor Lautner , there’s a new ‘ It Boy’ in town.
Aussie hottie Xavier Samuel, who’s starring in the ‘The Twilight Saga: Eclipse’ has been labelled one of Hollywood’s hottest new men.
In an upcoming issue of VMAN, the actor, who judged the OPTUS ONE80PROJECT last week, reveals he’s still getting used to his new found fame.
Talking about the drawbacks of being a rising actor he says, “Living out of a suitcase and your comfort zone, it’s a bit of a challenge.”
And the hunk, who starred in the award-winning Oz horror flick ‘The Loved Ones’ says he can’t wait to work on his home turf again.
“I want to get back to Australia and do a film there. It’s important to remember your roots.” But despite his success, the 26-year-old admits he almost followed a different career path altogether.
When asked if he’d always wanted to be on the big screen he said, “Not at all, really. I mean, the usual response is, you know, “I’ve been acting since I was three, and I used to perform plays for my Mom and Dad.” But I never really did that sort of stuff.
“I kind of followed a friend of mine into auditioning for drama schools and sort of landed in a drama course as a result of that. And it wasn’t kind of ’til halfway through that first year that I thought, “Actually, this is something that is a craft, and it’s not just a hobby.”
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/Ronja , Emy, Olivia & Lisa
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Boss/Skribent: Ronja Ålder: 19 år
Favoritbok: Eclipse
Skribent: Emy Ålder: 17 år
Favoritbok: Eclipse
Skribent: Olivia Ålder: 16 år
Favoritbok: -
Web-desingner: Lisa Ålder: 19 år
Favoritbok: Breaking Dawn
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"Be Safe" - Edward Cullen, Twilight.
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Vi äger inga av bilderna vi lägger upp, dem är lånade!
Vi är här på Breathing Twilight södjer: -"Respect me"- för Rob och Kristen's prodjekt så vi lägger alltså vi försöker att lägga upp så lite paparazzi bilder som möjligt för att respektera våra huvudrollsinhavare men även samtliga casten!
- Vi vill ha så bra sammarbete mellan bloggarna som det bara går o uppger gärna bloggar som källor ;) gör det du med!
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- "Twilight-bloggar-pepp" vi peppar andra bloggar, för det är det som är roligt som bloggare- att få beröm och kritik :D