Den kända film och skådis sidan IMDB har i listan över Twilightfilmerna listat Breaking Dawn part 1 till o bli i 3D! (i USA) det har varit en del spekulationer omkring detta ämne men inget är ännu klart, så vi får se om det stämmer? VILL NI ATT BREAKING DAWN SKA VARA I 3D?
1. The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 (2011) aka "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 in 3D" - USA (3-D version) 2. The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 (2012)
Peter Facinelli had never heard of the “Twilight” books when his agent asked him to audition for a vampire movie.
“I said no. I was thinking it was some B or C slasher, horror kind of picture,” said Facinelli, whose agent quickly sent him a copy of Stephenie Meyer’s popular first novel.
“I couldn’t put it down,” said Facinelli, who read it in one night. “It was kind of a throwback to the origins of what vampire folklore was, the sensuousness and the love story that it used to be.
And Facinelli has been along for the ride as Dr. Carlisle Cullen, the kindly head of a family of “vegetarian” vampires–they feed only on animals, not humans–and the adoptive father of Edward, played by mega-star Rob Pattinson. ‘FAN BASE EXPLODED’
It’s hard to imagine now, but the crowds weren’t always there. While filming the first movie in Oregon, Facinelli said he and fellow actors Kristen Stewart and Rob Pattinson could grab dinner in local restaurants and no one batted an eye.
“We could’ve been doing a cookie commercial. Nobody cared we were doing this movie,” he said. “We felt a responsibility to make a good movie for the fans of the books. But somewhere between the wrapping of filming and the premiere, that fan base exploded.”
Even after that, the dark-haired Facinelli said he often wasn’t recognized in public. In real life, he’s a young-looking 36 with a healthy glow about him. It takes up to two hours in a makeup chair to transform the actor into Carlisle Cullen, a 350-year-old vampire with bleach-blond hair and pale, shimmery skin.
Of course nowadays, admirers have no problem picking the L.A. resident out of a crowd. He’s happy to sign autographs and pose for photos, though he’d rather not pretend he’s biting someone. For the most part, he said, fans are friendly and supportive.
Tydligen så ska The Twilight Saga: Eclipse special 2 disc edition komma ut i Tyskland den 24 december! (omslaget ovan kanske?) I Sverige har vi ännu inte fått något datum men vi lovar att hålla er updaterade på den punkten ;)
"Most of the time when actresses/models do photo shoots, they show up, and get told what to do. It’s a relatively thoughtless process for me, and I’ve always felt like I wanted to contribute, in some way, to the theme of the shoot.
My older brother is an unbelievable photographer. Some people can take amazing photographs of things, but not necessarily of people. Nathan has this ability to capture human emotion through the lens like nothing I have ever seen before (Most of what I am talking about is apparent in his photos taken while he traveled Europe and South America). We decided a few weeks back that we wanted to do a shoot together. Why haven’t we done this before? I don’t know. It seems like it would satisfy both of our artistic desires right? I suppose it can be viewed as very narcissistic that I want my brother to take pictures of me, but its good practice for him to learn to photograph an actress (an art of its own believe me) and I get to take pictures that actually appeal to me. At the very least its tons of fun, and because working with a family member can be challenging, we end up strengthening our bond through every creative endeavor that we do together. With the help of a few friends 5 Sundays ago (Kristin Ess who does hair and contributed theme ideas, and Samuel Paul who does makeup ), we took some rather fun/stylized pictures…. "
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/Ronja , Emy, Olivia & Lisa
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Twilight skor
Checka in ronjiisss twi-skor!
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Om oss
Boss/Skribent: Ronja Ålder: 19 år
Favoritbok: Eclipse
Skribent: Emy Ålder: 17 år
Favoritbok: Eclipse
Skribent: Olivia Ålder: 16 år
Favoritbok: -
Web-desingner: Lisa Ålder: 19 år
Favoritbok: Breaking Dawn
Vi jobbar på denna blogg som för att ge dig senaste nytt om twilightfenomenet och vi har oftast daglig uppdatering (ofta flera gånger varje dag) så följ oss och glöm inte att kommentera om era åsikter för förbättring, åsikter eller bara creed :D
Vill du kontakta oss? Skicka in ditt tävlingsbidrag, en nyhet du tycker vi missat, fanart's eller fan fic's, eller något annat kul? Maila då till denna adress: men du kan även maila om du vill ha någon form av till ex sammarbete osv ;)
"Be Safe" - Edward Cullen, Twilight.
Vi jobbar alltid på att uppge våra källor ;)
Vi äger inga av bilderna vi lägger upp, dem är lånade!
Vi är här på Breathing Twilight södjer: -"Respect me"- för Rob och Kristen's prodjekt så vi lägger alltså vi försöker att lägga upp så lite paparazzi bilder som möjligt för att respektera våra huvudrollsinhavare men även samtliga casten!
- Vi vill ha så bra sammarbete mellan bloggarna som det bara går o uppger gärna bloggar som källor ;) gör det du med!
Vi här på Breathing Twilight annordnar:
- "Veckans Dazzle'are" (din chans att synas i våran blogg)
- Tävlingar som du kan delta i och vinna fina priser :D
- "Twilight-bloggar-pepp" vi peppar andra bloggar, för det är det som är roligt som bloggare- att få beröm och kritik :D