A new name entered the potential directors pool for ”Breaking Dawn” yesterday: Stephen Daldry. He previously directed only three films — ”The Reader,” ”The Hours” and ”Billy Elliott” — but he received Academy Award nominations for all three of them. Daldry joins a group of three previously named talents who Summit is considering to helm the final installment in the ”Twilight” series. Last week, the news emerged that the studio had Gus Van Sant, Sofia Coppola and Bill Condon on their short list of potential helmers. These are four serious names; Summit clearly wants to bring out the biggest guns they can in capping off the high school romance-meets-vampires saga. They also want to serve the fans, since you’re the ones who made this series such a big deal. And we’re here to help. Tell us which of the four directors we know to be in the running you’d most like to see get the gig. I can’t promise you that Summit will listen, but I can’t promise they won’t either. Let’s just quickly recap the potential directors one more time before we get to the poll. Sofia Coppola: The ”Lost in Translation” and ”Marie Antoinette” director knows her way around nuanced female roles, and Kristen Stewart’s Bella is definitely that. She also knows how to make challenging relationships compelling for film audiences; ”Breaking Dawn” also has a lot of that. Gus Van Sant: Van Sant is admittedly an odd choice. He’s had mainstream success with the likes of ”Good Will Hunting” and ”Finding Forrester,” but he’s known best for his indie/arthouse work. ”Twilight” is many things, and it does indeed have its roots as an indie, but ”arthouse” is not a direction I can see Summit wanting it to go in for the final chapter (or chapters, if it is broken into two movies). That said, star Robert Pattinson is keen on Van Sant being the guy, and the director has proven himself capable of blockbuster success. Bill Condon: The random nature of Bill Condon’s resume is exactly what makes him a good fit for ”Breaking Dawn.” From the ”Candyman” sequel to ”Kinsey” to ”Dreamgirls,” you never know what he’s going to do next. He’s directed a supernatural, hook-wielding psycho-killer, a sex-crazed scientist and an up-and-coming soul singer… a teenage romance involving vampires, werewolves and a violent, bloody birth feels like the culmination of everything he’s ever done! So now you know the players. Which one do you think would be best?
EXCLUSIVE: Add this name to the list of high-end auteurs who are being considered for the director’s chair on ”Breaking Dawn”: Stephen Daldry. Yep, that Stephen Daldry, the man who directed such Oscar fare as ”Billy Elliot,” ”The Reader” and ”The Hours.” Daldry joins a list that includes Sofia Coppola, Bill Condon and Gus Van Sant, all of whom have been approached about taking on the fourth film in the ”Twilight” franchise. Like those three, there are not yet indications Daldry would actually take the gig, but the fact that Summit Entertainment, the studio behind the films, has reached out to him suggests where its intentions lie for the fourth film. By this point nothing should surprise us about the names Summit is considering. (Well, James Cameron would surprise us. But he’s pretty much the only one.) The fourth book contains more complicated material as the story opens up (warning: spoiler alert), with part of the novel written from werewolf Jacob’s perspective and Kristen Stewart’s Bella Swan carrying a child. Having already gone indie with Catherine Hardwicke, polished/commercial with Chris Weitz and genre auteur with David Slade for the franchise’s first three movies, Summit clearly wants a high-end prestige filmmaker to handle the fourth picture. Still, even by those standards, Daldry stands out. He’s been nominated for three Oscars, more than any of the other directors on the short list. In fact, Daldry is the rare filmmaker who’s been nominated for a best directing Oscar for every feature he’s made. Those credentials make taking on a global teen phenomenon seem unlikely, though there are reasons to think it could work. The director is well-versed in depicting forbidden love (a ”Twilight” staple) with ”The Reader” and ”The Hours.” And he’s adept at themes of family alienation, also a franchise fixture, which ran under ”Billy Elliot.” Also, like most of the others, Daldry doesn’t yet have a new film. The fourth ”Twilight” movie — which will likely take only a piece of ”Breaking Dawn” as the film is split into two — will in all likelihood be shot in the fall. That gives Summit a little more time to comb through high-end directors. Academy Award winners, take note: Vampires and werewolves are coming for you.
Verdi-Corrente Prods. has signed ”Twilight” actor Peter Facinelli to star in two features helmed by Michael Corrente. The drama-comedy ”Loosies” is in pre-production with production slated for mid-summer. Biopic ”Paz,” based on the life of boxer Vinnie Pazienza, will launch early next year. Facinelli and Chad A. Verdi will co-produce both films. Facinelli played Carlisle Cullen in the first two ”Twilight” installments and will return in the third pic, ”Eclipse,” set for a June release. He also stars opposite Edie Falco in Showtime’s dark comedy series ”Nurse Jackie.” Facinelli penned ”Loosies,” in which he’ll play a successful pickpocket in the New York living the outlaw lifestyle until confronted with an old one-night stand who tells him that she is pregnant with his child. ”Paz” centers on Pazienza’s comeback from a near-fatal car accidentk. Told by doctors he would never walk again, Pazienza trained in secret and was able to re-enter the ring. Corrente’s producing both films and Chad A. Verdi’s is co-producer. Corrente’s credits include ”American Buffalo,” ”Outside Providence” and ”Brooklyn Rules.”
Se hit alla Twiligtfantaster och vampyrälskare! Brickebackens bibliotek i Örebro anordnar en “blodsugande” kväll där vi diskuterar vampyrlitteratur, testar dina kunskaper i Twilight-sagan, har en tävling med fina priser, bjuder på fika m.m. Avslutningsvis ser vi tillsammans på filmen NEW MOON. Älskar du Stephenie Meyers böcker och är intresserad av vampyrer, kom till Brickebacken och mys och rys med oss!
Plats: Brickebackens Bibliotek /Föreningen Trädet Tid: Den 6 april 2010 kl. 18.00 obs! Vi på BreathingTwilight kommer inte att delta ;)
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Boss/Skribent: Ronja Ålder: 19 år
Favoritbok: Eclipse
Skribent: Emy Ålder: 17 år
Favoritbok: Eclipse
Skribent: Olivia Ålder: 16 år
Favoritbok: -
Web-desingner: Lisa Ålder: 19 år
Favoritbok: Breaking Dawn
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"Be Safe" - Edward Cullen, Twilight.
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Vi är här på Breathing Twilight södjer: -"Respect me"- för Rob och Kristen's prodjekt så vi lägger alltså vi försöker att lägga upp så lite paparazzi bilder som möjligt för att respektera våra huvudrollsinhavare men även samtliga casten!
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