Okej, det skriks från alal håll om ryktet om att Breaking Dawn kommer bli 2 filmer...
alltså, detta har ju cirkulerat sedan New moon och så helt plötslogt så slår det alla... det har ju till och med vart rykten om att det ska bli 3 filmer...
tjejerna på TTS har iaf samlat ihop en lista på andra twi-sidor som tar upp ämnet, men kom ihåg kära twilight-nörds-läsare:
vi vet lika mycket som du!
Reports everywhere this evening claim “Breaking Dawn” is going to be adapted into two movies.
The official word given to Gossip Cop from a rep for Summit is, “No decision has been made and as we have said all along we are continuing to work with Stephenie Meyer to bring Breaking Dawn to the big screen.”HOWEVER, a well-placed source tells Gossip Cop dividing Breaking Dawn into two pictures “is the direction that it’s going in.” We’re told that from a practical standpoint, separating the story into two parts and shooting back-to-back is what makes most sense.
Earlier reports seem to be fairly accurate when it comes to timing, specifically, that filming may begin in October.
Detta var från Eclipsemovie.org!Reports everywhere this evening claim “Breaking Dawn” is going to be adapted into two movies.
The official word given to Gossip Cop from a rep for Summit is, “No decision has been made and as we have said all along we are continuing to work with Stephenie Meyer to bring Breaking Dawn to the big screen.”
HOWEVER, a well-placed source tells Gossip Cop dividing Breaking Dawn into two pictures “is the direction that it’s going in.” We’re told that from a practical standpoint, separating the story into two parts and shooting back-to-back is what makes most sense.
Earlier reports seem to be fairly accurate when it comes to timing, specifically, that filming may begin in October.
Gossip Cop will keep you posted when plans are officially finalized.
Detta var från lionandlamblove.orgReports everywhere this evening claim “Breaking Dawn” is going to be adapted into two movies.
The official word given to Gossip Cop from a rep for Summit is, “No decision has been made and as we have said all along we are continuing to work with Stephenie Meyer to bring Breaking Dawn to the big screen.”
HOWEVER, a well-placed source tells Gossip Cop dividing Breaking Dawn into two pictures “is the direction that it’s going in.”
Detta från twifans.com!EXCLUSIVE: ‘Twilight’ Saga’s Final Book ‘Breaking Dawn’ Will Be Made Into 2 Back-To-Back Movies
I have this from several sources, and it’s definitive. Filming on the back-to-back movies would begin in mid-October, and Summit Entertainment is looking at “high-end” directors. Breaking Dawn is the longest in Stephenie Meyer’s 4-book series lengthwise and it’s the most graphic — presenting birth, attempted murder, death, and of course vampire bites. Published on August 2, 2008, it has a happy ending for most of the characters. Divided into 3 parts, the 1st and 3rd sections are told from the point of view of Bella (Kristen Stewart), and the second section from the perspective of Jacob (Taylor Lautner). It prominently features all 3 favorite characters including Edward (Robert Pattinson). Summit Entertainment no doubt will save money by making these Twilight Saga movies #4 and #5 back to back. Screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg (who’s written all the Twilight Saga films) is currently adapting Breaking Dawn.
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