En hel artikel om kläderna i Eclipse, lite om deleted scenes och annat gott!
You can learn a lot about a character — and an actor — talking to a film’s costume designer. Here, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse‘s Tish Monaghan reveals a few secrets from the wardrobe closets:• Robert Pattinson wanted to wear karate pants for the training sequence. “So we got him some karate pants, and it’s like the crotch hangs down to the knees, and I just thought, Ugh. Who’s gonna go for this? Because everything has to be approved by Summit,” Monaghan says. “We took them in a little bit, and they loved the karate pants. Who knew? I was so surprised.”
• Even at the film’s premiere, people squealed when Taylor Lautner turned around in that black T-shirt. “It was almost embarrassing. I felt so bad for him,” Monaghan says, with a laugh. “They were screaming and going ‘Wooooo!’” As she’d done on New Moon, her M.O. was to put him in smaller size Gap or Banana Republic T-shirts to emphasize his biceps, tightening the tees around the arm holes and taking them in down the side. (Pattinson wore Gap T-shirts, exclusively, she adds. “They were what fit him best. They had the best colors. So that’s what he ended up wearing, even when Edward takes Bella up to the tent. It may strike people as odd, but he doesn’t feel temperature, so that’s why we only put him in a shirt, and Bella’s all bundled up, and Jacob, of course, is running around shirtless.”
• Rosalie’s wedding dress was the star of a deleted scene: For Rosalie’s flashback to the 1930s, Monaghan’s department both rented original period dresses and made two ensembles — the one she wore when she was attacked, and her wedding dress. “Unfortunately in the film, we only see her arriving at the door,” Monaghan says, of the latter’s entrance. “I’m not sure why the scene with her floating down the hallway was cut out — maybe it’s because the element of surprise had a stronger impact. They didn’t want us to know in advance who was coming to the door. But we made a silk train for her that floated down the hallway as she kind of hydroplaned down the carpet. [Actress Nikki Reed] was mounted on a contraption, almost like a bicycle seat, and the camera was in front of her and to the side, and she just when whoooooooosh. She was rolled down the hallway at quite the speed and a fan would blow up her veil so that it was trailing behind her. It looked wonderful. The train itself was probably about 10 or 12 feet, and then the veil went beyond that.”
• Riley (Xavier Samuel) has great taste in victims: “The sensibility of all of the newborns, including Riley, is that they’re scavengers. They’re going to steal pieces from whomever they find. Riley just happened to find somebody who was wearing a G-Star jacket and some really cool jeans,” Monaghan says, with a laugh. “Once he was turned, I just wanted to put him in something that was edgy and very contemporary. We wanted to make him young and powerful but still have this kind of dark sexiness to him. We found this great G-Star jacket for him and tight, tight jeans and a beautiful Paul Smith shirt. And then he had one other change after that, which was the same jacket and tight reddish maroon jeans, which for us was important because once he got into battle with the Cullens and the werewolves, we had to separate the newborns from the Cullens color-wise. We had to make sure that there wasn’t any confusion as to who was on whose team when a body was flying through the air. So with the Cullens, we intentionally put them in black, dark navy or dark gray. With the newborns, we put them in earth tones and hints of brighter colors.”
• There’s a bit of old Victoria in new Victoria. “Because of the transition from Rachelle Lefevre to Bryce Dallas Howard, we decided that the first time that we saw Victoria, we should definitely put her into pieces of the costume that we had last seen Victoria wearing in New Moon, just so that the audience, aside from her large mane of tangled red hair, would definitely know that this is who that character is. There’s all these things that you work on so hard, and then it ends up becoming such a subliminal thing,” Monaghan says. “Gradually, we transitioned out of that into something a little bit different to make it Bryce’s own character. Because she was going to be courting Riley, I wanted something that was dark and foreboding but still sensual, because she has to lure him. We made a black lace top with a zipper that kind of went around her neck, and you could unzip it as far down the front as was necessary. Just a romantic/punk look. It works really well with her red hair, and her skin showed through, and you could see that she was being a little bit of a siren and trying to work her magic on Riley.”
• Emmett wears lighter colors than the other Cullens to showcase Kellan Lutz’s muscles. “Absolutely,” Monaghan says, when asked if this theory about his Old Navy hoodie is correct. “I also knew that the focus was going to be on him and his chase with Victoria in the woods, so I just really wanted to make sure that he stood out amongst all the dark backgrounds…. You probably won’t notice, but I made a very conscious decision to have the Cullens move through the color palette. They’re in lighter colors when they first hunt Victoria. The next big scene, when they’re in their workout wear, they’re in sort of midtones. Then when they have the final battle, that’s when I put them all in black, because I wanted them to be more stealth-like.”
• A lot of work goes into seconds of screen time. Take the newborn army Jasper (Jackson Rathbone, in a uniform purchased from a company that clothes reenactment societies, then aged as though he’d been riding in the desert for months) trained in his Civil War flashback. “It’s so fast, but for us, we have to do the work and prepare for that scene just as much as we would for any character,” Monaghan says. “They were scavengers from the 1800s, so it was a mix of garments that they grabbed from different armys, bankers, merchants, hookers.” The siren who turned him and leads the army is actually wearing his jacket and sash over her skirt. “That’s just me trying to show the link between the two of them,” she says. “For us, it’s the challenge in doing all of these thematic linkings that makes our job worthwhile. It’s important to do it, even if nobody else notices.”
• It takes a village to build a village. Unearthing what the Quileute tribe would have been wearing in the 1700s, before photography, was another challenge. Monaghan turned to ship logs from explorers who landed on the Pacific Coast and described the natives’ jewelry, their cedar bark clothing, and their dog-haired blankets. She looked at works by artist Paul Kane, and visited two Canadian museums of archeology with extensive native artifacts unearthed from burial sites. “We took all of this, and we said, ‘How are we gonna make this cheaply?’ Because we found someone was selling a recreated cedar cape online for $25,000 a garment. We ended up making them out of ground cover used in landscaping. We got something like 200 feet for $25,” Monaghan says. “So I had a whole team of people who made it one-time wear. We went to a taxidermist, and we got bones. We went to restaurants and got mussel shells. We went to another place and got abalone shells, which we used for our jewelry. We made hats out of straw baskets from Chinatown. We used wool blankets and raw silk. I was so happy with the outcome of recreating the Quileute village in the 1700s. I just thought it worked spectacularly for its, I think, 10 seconds of screen time.”
• You almost saw Kristen Stewart in a swimsuit. That’s what Bella was wearing in the script when she was saying goodbye to her mother and the sun. “Realistically, that’s never gonna look good on anybody if they’re just lying there. If they’re gonna dive into a pool and swim, maybe,” Monaghan says. “I just approached the director and said, ‘Listen, can we just do cutoffs or something instead?’ I think originally, we were going to shoot on location [in Florida], but instead, we shot in Vancouver. The temperature was not warm at all, and we wanted to keep them comfortable as well.”
Jodelle Ferland is creating buzz as Bree Tanner in Eclipse, you know, the #1 movie in the country that we've all seen at least twice now. We caught up with the 15-year-old, who confessed she's on Team Edward "most of the time," on the phone last month and discovered that not only did she read all the Twilight books back-to-back, but she signed on for the role of Bree without even reading the script! We also asked her about her plans for the Eclipse premiere black carpet.
"Oh yeah, I have a dress ready," she told us before the premiere. "And I'm very excited for it. I always like to have a dress in my closet that I can just pull out in case of an emergency. I bought a dress a while ago and I'm pretty sure I don't have anything else I'll need a fancy dress for before the premiere so that could be what I'm wearing. It's a pretty light color."
Not sure if the dress in the photo above is the light-colored dress she was talking about, it's light underneath the black lace, or if she switched dresses at the last minute. Keep reading for more of our Q&A with Jodelle and let us know what you thought of her Eclipse performance in the comments. Too bad she got killed in the movie, but maybe Summit will make a movie of The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner (someone start an online petition).
Is it true you didn't read the Eclipse script before you signed on to play Bree? Normally when I do movies I usually read the script before I do it, but before 'Eclipse' I had a good idea of what the script would be like because I read the boolks and there was just no way I was going to say no. As soon as I found out I got the part and started to prep for the movie, I was allowed to read it.
What was your audition like? It was the same as any other audition process but the audition normally I get something from the script to read, but for 'Eclipse' it was a scene from the book because they didn't want any of the script to get out at all so I had to read the Bree scene from the book in my audition. What was it like being the new girl on set? I was a bit worried about that, but there wasn't any problem. They all made me feel welcomed and I had a good time. I actually worked with Kristen Stewart [on The Messengers] before the whole 'Twilight' thing started so that was good that I knew somebody already.
When did you find out about the book? I actually knew about the book [The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner] before I started filming. Right before I started filming 'Eclipse' I was allowed to read it so that I could understand Bree better because there's not a lot about her in the 'Eclipse' book so I was very lucky that I got to read that before anyone even knew it existed.
Did you keep it? I wasn't allowed to keep it. I had to go to the set and read it and they were supposed to destroy it. We were on location so we didn't have shredder or anything like that so we put it in a bucket and burnt it. It was very fun. We took a video and took a picture and sent it to Stephenie and she put the picture on her site.
INGA mega spoilers direkt i bilden men kan detta vara ifrån när Bella berättar om bröllopet? men å andra sidan kan det ju vara en reshot på scenen (SPOILER!) när Alice just fixat Bella's alibi innan striden ;)
HAPPY NEWS! För några dagar sen så lade vi upp trailern för "Vampires Suck" som är en parodi på The Twilight Saga och "Alice in Wonderland" och vi kunde även få fram att den skulle ha premiär i USA den 18 augusti.
Nyheten har du säkert läst i rubriken men vi kommer även att få se filmen här i Sverige redan den 18 augusti då den har premiär!
Själv blev jag superglad och kommer självklart att gå på den! x)
och här får vi veta att Breaking Dawn (båda delarna) kommer att filmas i Vancouver och i staden Baton Rouge i Louisiana :)
Summit Entertainment’s THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN will be filmed in both Baton Rouge, Louisiana and Vancouver over the next year starting this fall. The next chapter of THE TWILIGHT SAGA will be released as two separate films with the first of the two slated to be released in theatres on November 18, 2011.
Academy Award® winner Bill Condon will direct both films starring Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner along with Billy Burke as Charlie Swan as well as returning members of the Cullen Family including Peter Facinelli as Carlisle, Elizabeth Reaser as Esme, Jackson Rathbone as Jasper, Nikki Reed as Rosalie, Ashley Greene as Alice and Kellan Lutz as Emmett.
The project, based on the fourth novel in author Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series, is currently being written by Melissa Rosenberg with Wyck Godfrey, Karen Rosenfelt and Stephenie Meyer producing.
THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN illuminates the secrets and mysteries of this spellbinding romantic epic that has entranced millions.
The third film in the franchise, THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE, is currently in theatres
Nu har äntligen trailern för Kristens nya film "Welcome to the Rileys" släppts! Filmen handlar om en familj som förlorat sin dotter i en bilolycka och istället börjar dem ta hand om en ung, sårbar tjej som heter Mallory som är spelad av Kristen:
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/Ronja , Emy, Olivia & Lisa
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Boss/Skribent: Ronja Ålder: 19 år
Favoritbok: Eclipse
Skribent: Emy Ålder: 17 år
Favoritbok: Eclipse
Skribent: Olivia Ålder: 16 år
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Web-desingner: Lisa Ålder: 19 år
Favoritbok: Breaking Dawn
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"Be Safe" - Edward Cullen, Twilight.
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Vi är här på Breathing Twilight södjer: -"Respect me"- för Rob och Kristen's prodjekt så vi lägger alltså vi försöker att lägga upp så lite paparazzi bilder som möjligt för att respektera våra huvudrollsinhavare men även samtliga casten!
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