Många av oss svenskar har med allra största sannorlikhet missat den nu pågående amerikanska serien "Revolution" där både Billy Burke och JD Pardo innehar roller, men det gör inte serien mindre intressant för det. Serien handlar om hur världen skulle arta sig om all electricitet helt plötsligt försvann, och vilka förändringar det skulle tvinga fram i samhället. Jag som personligen är intressarad av samhällsutveckling tycker att serien är riktigt intressant, både som underhållning men även som en tankeställare. Jag skickar med promovideorna för de två hitills utkomna avsnitten och för det tredje som antingen redan kommit ut i USA eller gör det inom en snar framtid, jag är inte riktigt säker. Håll till godo!
Avsnitt 1:
Avsnitt 2:
Ett par stillbilder från avsnitt 2:
Avsnitt 3:
TelevisionPromos - Youtube Channel (episod 1 och 3)
WatchPromos - Youtube Channel (episod 2)
Team-Twilight 1/2 (bilder)
Carpe Diem // Emma
PS. Förlåt för min tvärdåliga uppdatering den senaste tiden. Inte nog med att jag inte har bloggat, jag har inte heller hängt med i vad som hänt i Twilightvärlden annat än genom sporadiska besök på sagans officiella facebookssida, men nu börjar det lugna ned sig i mitt vardagliga liv så nu är jag tillbaka! ♥
lördag 29 september 2012
tisdag 25 september 2012
Nya bilder från TTS:BDpt2!
Breaking Dawn,
breaking dawn part 2,
fredag 21 september 2012
Kellan Lutz berättar att vi kommer få en speciell scen med i slutet av TTS:BDpt2!

Många av oss fans missade ju att det var med en extra scen i TTS:BDpt1 så nu vill de alltså förvarna oss om att sitta kvar i salongerna för något alldeless extra!“They’re gonna love it, and Bill [Bill Condon, the director] even told me that, stay for the credits — there’s a really special thing happening.”
“Every film’s been building and building, and Bill Condon really had a great idea with ending the series with Breaking Dawn 2, and just adding a little more flavor to parts of the book that weren’t there, but he elaborated more on,” he says. “I think the fans are really going to enjoy it.”
Vad tror ni det kan vara för extra scen? ;)
Be Safe/Ronja
Breaking Dawn,
breaking dawn part 2,
Kellan Lutz,
Karamellkungen och Nordsik film i samarbete igen med Breaking Dawn tema!
Kommer ni ihåg förra året när våra godisställ pryddes med Breaking Dawn part 1 loggor, hur coolt som helst! Denna gång kommer ännu fler ställ prydas men samarbetet har utvecklats lite till, kolla in dessa tävlingar i pressmeddelandet;
Världspremiären för den sista filmen, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn part 2, i Twilight-serien, är en högtid för miljoner Twilight-fans världen över. Inför premiären i november fördjupar och utvidgar Karamellkungen sitt samarbete med distributören Nordisk Film. Som en av få unika samarbetspartners lanserar Karamellkungen sin största kampanj någonsin i Sverige, Norge och Finland.
Efter det framgångsrika samarbetet med Nordisk Film kring den senaste Twilight-filmen 2011 har Karamellkungen valt att fördjupa och utvidga samarbetet i Sverige, Norge och Finland. I Sverige kommer över 1 500 godisställ att profileras med Twilight-temat och tävlingar för konsument kommer äga rum både i butik och online. Karamellkungen kommer även att synas på stortavlor och i tv-reklam i samband med filmen.
Kampanjen pågår vecka 40 – 47. Under den första perioden har konsumenterna möjlighet att vinna en exklusiv resa och biljetter för två till filmpremiären i Hollywood. Under den andra perioden kan 15 personer vinna två biljetter till TWINIGHT som är en unik förhandsvisning där båda de avslutande delarna i Twilight-sagan visas under en och samma kväll. QR-koder på både påsar och fotofronter gör det möjligt att tävla direkt från smarta telefoner. Via tävlingskuponger i butiken kan dessutom 200 personer vinna två biobiljetter till filmen.
– Godis och film hör ihop, så vårt samarbete med Nordisk Film känns helt rätt. Som stor aktör inom konfektyr har vår kampanj möjlighet att göra ett ordentligt avtryck i butikerna, och Karamellkungen kommer även att syns på stortavlor och i tv-reklam. Det känns också roligt att kunna presentera flera nya onlinetävlingar, säger Anette Fredriksson, Trade Marketing Manager.
Under kampanjperioden pågår även en tävling på appen Instagram där deltagarna ska fota sin Breaking Dawn påse när de har ett Candyking moment. De har då möjlighet att vinna en årsförbrukning av godis (16 kg) och fyra biobiljetter.
Be Safe/Ronja
Breaking Dawn,
breaking dawn part 2,
Nikki Reed gästar The Late Night Show with Craig Ferguson
Breaking Dawn,
Nikki Reed
torsdag 13 september 2012
Jackson Rathbones son Monroe VI med sin gudmor - Nikki Reed!
Japp, det är nämligen så att Nikki Reed är Jacksons några månaders gamla sons gudmor! Här är ett nytt foto på dem twittrat av Jackson ;)
Be Safe/Ronja
casten twittar,
Jackson Rathbone,
Nikki Reed,
Nya intervjuer med Jackson, Amdou & Judi om TTS: BDpt2
Amadou Ly,
Breaking Dawn,
breaking dawn part 2,
Jackson Rathbone,
Judi Shekoni,
lördag 8 september 2012
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn part 2 - Trailern
Här är den slutgiltiga trailern, den längsta, den bästa... november kom fort!
Final Full Length Trailer by KStewartUK
Be Safe/Ronja
Final Full Length Trailer by KStewartUK
Be Safe/Ronja
Breaking Dawn,
breaking dawn part 2,
Breaking Dawn Trailers,
fredag 7 september 2012
Robert Pattinson och Taylor Lautner på VMA'12
Även Robert & Taylor var på plats på galan igår och presenterade den nya trailern med Peter, Elizabeth, Jackson & Wyck.
Be Safe/Ronja
Be Safe/Ronja
Breaking Dawn,
breaking dawn part 2,
Elizabeth Reaser,
Jackson Rathbone,
Peter Facinelli,
Robert Pattinson,
Taylor Lautner,
Wyck Godfrey
Peter Facinelli , Jackson Rathbone & Elizabeth Reaser - MTV Video Music Awards 2012
Elizabeth Reaser,
Jackson Rathbone,
Peter Facinelli
Ny trailer (från VMA'12) - The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn part 2
Ny trailer som släpptes under nattens MTV Video Music Awards !
behöver vi skriva att det är med spoilers? ;)
behöver vi skriva att det är med spoilers? ;)
Breaking Dawn,
breaking dawn part 2,
Breaking Dawn Trailers,
torsdag 6 september 2012
Dragningen är gjord och vinnarna av 2 biljetter var är:
- Ayan
- Alice
- Monika
- Ida
- Amada
Samtliga vinnare har fått mail om att de vunnit på angivna adresser! (Svara på mailet så fort som möjligt så ni kan få hem era biljetter) STORT GRATTIS!!!
Vi tackar alla som varit med och deltagit i denna utlottning och givetvis NONSTOP ENTERTAINMENT som sponsrade oss med biljetterna!
Vi hoppas att ni alla får en trevlig bioupplevelse !
Be Safe/Ronja
Andra Filmer Med Casten,
Robert Pattinson,
söndag 2 september 2012
Intervju med Robert Pattinson
Were you familiar with Don DeLillo’s novel?
No. But I had read some of his other novels. I first read the screenplay David Cronenberg sent me, and then the novel. One is incredibly true to the other, it is faithful in a way that seems impossible, for a novel that seemed impossible to adapt. But even before reading the book, what impressed me the most about the script was the quick-paced rhythm and the unrelenting tension.
What was it about this film that appealed to you the most?
Cronenberg, obviously! I have played in only a few films, and none of them came close to what I expected working with him would be like. I wasn’t disappointed… I knew he would be very creative, and that it would be a real experience. And I was appealed by the writing of the script, like a kind of long poem. And a mysterious poem too. Usually when you read a script, you quickly know what it is about, where it is going, how it will end, even if there might be unexpected or sophisticated twists and turns in the plot. But this time it was completely different, the further I read, the less I could figure out where it was leading, and the more I wanted to be a part of it. It doesn’t fit any film genre whatsoever, it is in a league of its own.
When you first read the script, did you see yourself in the role, could you imagine what it would look like visually?
Not at all. The first time I spoke to David, it is exactly what I told him, that I didn’t visualize anything, and he thought it was a good thing. Besides, I think that at this point, he wasn’t thinking much ahead, it all evolved in a progressive, organic way, starting from the text, towards the many visual choices that shape the film. It is a living process. Even during the first week of shooting, we were all still wondering what the film would look like once finished. It was fascinating, I felt like the film was fashioning itself.
Now that it’s done, is the film much different from the script, or on the contrary did you stick to what was written?
It is hard to say, because the film acts on different levels. I’ve seen it twice, the first time I was amazed by its farcical side, which I knew was there during the shooting, but which was unexpectedly apparent. The second time, the gravity of what was at stake prevailed. Both times, there was an audience attending, but the reactions were wide-ranging, from laughter to tension over the dark side Cosmopolis also has. Despite its complexity, I was amazed by the way it reaches a wide range of emotions.
In your opinion, who is Eric Packer? How would you describe him?
To me, Eric is someone who feels like he belongs to another reality, who lives as if he was born on an other planet, and who tries to discover in which reality he should be living. In fact, he doesn’t understand the world as it is.
Yet he has enough understanding of the world to make a fortune in it.
Sure, but in a very abstract way. Banking, broking or speculating are disconnected activities, he has done well in them, not as a genuine specialist or a mastermind, but rather thanks to a kind of instinct, something much more mysterious, with the help of algorithms not unlike magical formulas. You can see in the film, as well as in the book, that his approach of financial data tends to project him in the future, so much so that he doesn’t know how to live in the present anymore. He probably grasps the workings of the real world somehow, but only in peculiar and obscure ways.
Did you talk about it with David Cronenberg?
A bit, yes, but he liked me to search for something unexplained and unexplainable. He particularly liked it when I played without really knowing what I was doing, and as soon as he felt that I was making up chains of cause and effect, or coming out with a logical explanation for Eric’s behaviour, he would interrupt the take. It was a very odd kind of directing, entirely based on feelings rather than ideas.
How did you prepare for the part?
David doesn’t like rehearsals. We didn’t talk much about the film before the shooting. And I only met the other actors on set, during production. I discovered them as they appeared, literally, on Eric Packer’s limousine. And it was quite pleasant. From the beginning of the shooting, I sort of lived inside the film, and inside the car: I was always there, it was my home, and I welcomed the other actors in my space, sitting tight on this kind of captain’s chair, with everybody visiting me. Being used like that to this environment felt particularly comfortable. Everyone else had to adapt to what was basically myworld.
Did you have an input about your character’s looks or wardrobe?
I did, but the thing is he had to have a neutral look, we tried to avoid the most obvious or stereotyped features of rich businessmen or traders. The only discussion was about the choice of the sunglasses at the beginning, I searched for the most indefinable pair, one that wouldn’t say anything about the character.
What difference does it makes to shoot scenes as much as possible in script order?
It is really important, it has a cumulative effect that shapes the film. At first, nobody really knows what the tone of the whole film will be – well, maybe David (Cronenberg) does, but he won’t let it show. For the crew, it is this cumulative effect, as the character reveals more about himself, which slowly builds the identity of the film. It also allows the character to loosen up while his life is falling apart.
One of the particularities of the part is that, one by one, you get to meet many different actors. How does it feel?
When I agreed to make the film, the only actor already on board was Paul Giamatti, which I found was great. Then, it was both magical and slightly scary to see Juliette Binoche, Samantha Morton, Mathieu Amalric… show up like that. Each of them brought a different tone. It wasn’t easy for them either, all the more so as David expects the actors to transform their acting, to let go of their habits. It was challenging for them, in such a short time. As for me, I was sort of settled in this world, in tune with its rhythm, but the others had to get used to it right away. Actually, some made up very creative things while we were shooting. Notably Juliette Binoche, who came out with an unbelievable number of acting options.
Would you say that there were various styles of acting, especially due to the different nationalities involved, or that everybody ended up fitting Cronenberg’s mould?
Oh no, there were different sensibilities, and I think that David was eager for that. Paradoxically, this diversity is emphasized by all the characters being supposedly American, except for Mathieu Amalric. Such diversity is congruent with New York, where almost everybody seems to come from a different place, and where the mother tongue of so many people isn’t English. Of course, the film doesn’t aim for realism, including about the city of New York, it never insists on a precise location. But having actors with different backgrounds mirrors New York, just as it contributes to the strangeness and abstraction of the film.
As far as you are concerned, did you have any references in mind, maybe other actors to draw inspiration from?
Quite the opposite, actually, I tried to steer clear of any possible reference. I especially didn’t want to remind the audience of other films about Wall Street, financers, rich bankers, etc. It was more about finding the right a state of mind than relying on usual attitudes or acting effects.
Do you remember Cronenberg having any particular demands, focusing on certain points when working together?
He insisted that we had to say the dialogues exactly as they were written, to the letter. He wouldn’t tolerate any variation. The screenplay depends to a large extent on rhythm, we had to comply with that as far elocution was concerned. He was positive about that, so he made very little takes, which I found quite scary. On Paul Giamatti’s first day on set, Paul delivered in one breath his character’s long monologue, certainly the longest line in the whole film, and David shot it in a single take. It was done, we moved on. I was enthralled with Paul’s performance, with David’s promptness, and with the way he looked so sure the take was good.
Did you like working this way, scrupulously delivering dialogues as they were written?
It created something I wasn’t familiar with, which is precisely what motivated me the most about making this film. I had never been asked anything like that, usually scripts aren’t followed scrupulously, they are just a foundation and actors are supposed to make them their own. In my previous films, dialogues were flexible. This time, it was like acting in a play: when you play Shakespeare, you cannot rephrase the lines.
Incidentally, the limousine is a bit like a stage somehow.
Absolutely. And in such a setting, it is possible to shoot one scene or another, which means you have to be ready to play several of them. I spent a lot of time learning all the lines, for the first time since I started out as a stage actor, quite a long time ago now. It creates a tension, you have to remain on the alert, which is for the best… Even though it forced me to live the life of a recluse during the shooting: I had to know the part, remember dozens of pages and stay focus. But actually it is quite a pleasant feeling. It’s better than on most sets, where everything is fractioned.
What was the most difficult thing for you about the shooting?
It was disturbing to play a character who doesn’t go through an obvious evolution or follow a predictable path. Actually he does, it is even a hell of an evolution, although not in the way we usually get to see characters change. But David completely controlled this dimension. I have never worked with a director so much in control of his film, who considers himself fully in charge of each and every aspect of it, knowing exactly what he wants, every step of the way. At first I found it unsettling, but gradually I felt more and more confident and relaxed.
New York City, not-too-distant-future: Eric Packer, a 28 year-old finance golden boy dreaming of living in a civilization ahead of this one, watches a dark shadow cast over the firmament of the Wall Street galaxy, of which he is the uncontested king. As he is chauffeured across midtown Manhattan to get a haircut at his father’s old barber, his anxious eyes are glued to the yuan’s exchange rate: it is mounting against all expectations, destroying Eric’s bet against it. Eric Packer is losing his empire with every tick of the clock. Meanwhile, an eruption of wild activity unfolds in the city’s streets. Petrified as the threats of the real world infringe upon his cloud of virtual convictions, his paranoia intensifies during the course of his 24-hour cross-town odyssey. Packer starts to piece together clues that lead him to a most terrifying secret: his imminent assassination.Cronenberg revisits subjects that fascinate him: how the organic and the psychological are inextricably intertwined, society’s anxieties and phobias, and letting repressed impulses and paranoia run wild. COSMOPOLIS is a culmination of his masterpieces that addresses the alarming global financial crisis of today’s world.It is a hauntingly prophetic fable that turns the future into history and suggests that the archaic might be our eerie future.
och handling på svensk, källa sf.se
Eric Packer är en 28 årig miljardär som i sin limousine blir körd runtomkring Manhattan för att hitta en frisör. Efter att en valuta rör sig motsatt från vad som var förväntat rasar hans imperium för varje klockslag och när vilda aktiviteter utbryter på stadens gator utvecklas hans färd till en 24 timmars stadsodyssé där hans paranoia gradvis ökar efter beskedet om ett närliggande attentat.
Be Safe/Ronja
Andra Filmer Med Casten,
Robert Pattinson,
lördag 1 september 2012
Första bilden på Partrick Brennan aka Liam
Breaking Dawn,
breaking dawn part 2,
Patrick Brennan
Information om The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2: TWINIGHT
inforamtion från SF taget från TwilightSweden:
Under TWINIGHT visar vi de två avslutande delarna av Twilight-sagan i följd och har världspremiär av sista delen Breaking Dawn del 2.
TWINIGHT äger rum den 13 november i alla städer där SF Bio har biografer. Evenemanget startar ca 21.00 på kvällen och strax efter midnatt är det dags för den första visningen och världspremiären av Breaking Dawn del 2.Biljetterna till TWINIGHT släpps på sf.se och SF Bios biografer för Bioklubbens medlemmar den 10 oktober (ordinarie biljettsläpp 12 oktober). Biljettpris 195 kr. Åldersgräns 15 år.Twinight kommer att arrangeras på biografer i samtliga SF Bios städer: Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö, Gävle, Helsingborg, Jönköping, Karlstad, Linköping, Luleå, Lund, Norrköping, Sundsvall, Umeå, Uppsala, Västerås, Växjö och Örebro.Breaking Dawn del 2 har världspremiär den 14 november.
Den 13 november arrangerar vi, utöver TWINIGHT, ett exklusivt TWILIGHT-MARATON på biograf Park i Stockholm. Det är ett unikt tillfälle att för sista gången se samtliga filmer i The Twilight Saga i en följd på bio.TWILIGHT-MARATON startar under eftermiddagen och avslutas med den sista filmen Breaking Dawn del 2 som börjar runt midnatt. Biljetterna släpps till Bioklubbens medlemmar den 10 oktober (ordinarie biljettsläpp 12 oktober). Biljettpris 295 kr. Åldersgräns 15 år.
Alltså! TWINIGHT inkluderar ENDAST de båda Breaking Dawn filmerna! sen arrangeras det ett exclusivt Twilight-maraton aka, ALLA filmer på EN biograf i stockholm, det är alltså bara denna biograf i stockholm som arrangerar en Twinight där samtliga filmer är med ;)
Be Safe/Ronja
2 nya bilder från TTS:BD pt.2
Två nya bilder har släppts till våran efterlängtade film, och dagarna bara seglar förbi! ;)

Be Safe/Ronja
Breaking Dawn,
breaking dawn part 2,
Kristen Stewart,
Peter Facinelli,
Robert Pattinson
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