onsdag 31 mars 2010
Intervjuer med Jackson från KCA :)
Movie Trailers - Movies Blog
Nya stills från The Runaways :)
Nya bilder från inspelningen av Robert's Bel Ami
Vam skulle du vilja fick en Spinn off?
Jasper Hale
Sure, we get his back story in “Eclipse,” but the man is the most tortured of all (yes, Edward, all) of the Cullen clan. Not only does he have the hardest time controlling his need for human blood, but we also are dying to read from his perspective how it feels to want to kill Bella every time she walks into the room without unconditional love holding him back. It would also be fun to see where he and Alice run off to at the end of “Breaking Dawn” from his perspective, because that was one of the biggest WTF?! moments of the series.
The Volturi only actually pop into the story a couple of times during the course of the “Saga,” but those few times are some of our favorites. We’d love to see the shenanigans the Volturi get themselves into over in Italy from their perspective, plus how they feel when they see the Edward/Bella dynamic for the first time. Plus it gives Dakota Fanning a chance to star in her own spin-off movie.
Jessica Stanley
We didn’t really start loving Jessica’s character until we saw Anna Kendrick’s portrayal of her in the films, but OME if she isn’t one of our favorite parts of the movies. Maybe Anna should be the one to pen this spin-off to incorporate some of her signature snark, but we would love to see Bella’s story through one of the humans’ point of view. Because, for anyone on the outside who doesn’t know something supernatural is going on, that has got to be one of the weirdest love stories to watch play out ever.
Quil Ateara
Except for the fact Jacob was miserable during the second section of “Breaking Dawn,” we liked how the story was told from a werewolf perspective. Though Quil might seem like the most uninteresting of the Quileute tribe at first glance, that’s kind of the point. Bella and Bree are both pretty bland on the surface, but that makes it easier for the reader to take up that consciousness on their own. Plus, Quil was one of the last to become a werewolf and isn’t bogged down with daddy drama like Seth and Leah Clearwater, which makes it easier to read his story and understand.
Carlisle Cullen
This wouldn’t be a spin-off, this would be an epic. Carlisle has one of the coolest storylines in the book, and it stretches back for a really long time. Some of his storyline is told in the novels, but we have no issue reading 2,000 pages to see it all from his perspective. For some crazy reason, we don’t think you fans would have an issue either.
Be Safe/ronjiisss
Nya Spec Magazine outtakes på Taylor
3 nya stills från Eclipse! :D
“Bree Tanners andra liv”- boken kommer att översättas till svenska! :'D
(följande inlägg är kopierat från källan TwilightSweden.se)
B Wahlströms som står för distributionen av Twilight-böckerna i Sverige har ett pressmeddelande om kommande “The Short Second life of Bree Tanner” som på svenska kommer att heta “Bree Tanners andra liv“.
Boken håller just nu på att översättas till svenska. Man kommer att kunna köpa den exakt samtidigt här i Sverige som i USA. Klockslaget och allt är spikat: kl 06.01 den 5 juni (sv tid).
Här är ett utdrag från pressmeddelandet:
Äntligen! Efter nästan två års tystnad kommer Stephenie Meyer ut med en uppföljare i sin omåttligt populära Twilight-saga. Bree Tanners andra liv (The Short Second life of Bree Tanner) släpps i USA en minut över midnatt, amerikansk tid, lördagen den 5 juni – och precis samtidigt på svenska här i Sverige: klockan 06.01.
-Vi är oerhört glada och stolta över att äntligen kunna presentera en ny bok av Stephenie Meyer. Hennes fans har längtat och väntat tålmodigt, säger Henny Holmqvist, Stephenie Meyers svenska förläggare på B. Wahlströms bokförlag.
Bree Tanners andra liv berättar den fascinerande historien om den nyfödda vampyren Bree Tanner, som först dök upp i Ljudet av ditt hjärta. Vi får följa de nyfödda vampyrernas förberedelser och jakt på Bella Swan och familjen Cullen, deras möte – och det oförglömliga slutet.
Läs resten genom att klicka här
Be Safe/ronjiisss
tisdag 30 mars 2010
Blogg nytt!
Bra dag med underbara nyheter! :D
hoppas att ni har ett underbart påsklov! själv är jag hemma över påsken och jag trodde jag skulle ha massor av tid, men detta med att plugga kommer man på precis innan 01:00 typ o då är man alledes för trött ;)
Vill iaf påminna er om att komma vinnarna för blogg tävlingarna!
dem som inte svarat på vårat vinnar mail är samtiliga från tävling 2!
om inte vinnar-mailet svaras på kommer nya vinnare till tävlingen dras i slutet av veckan!
Be Safe/ronjiisss
BIG NEWS! Stephenie Meyer ger oss “The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner"
(Allt material är hittat på källan TwilightSweden.se!)

- Boken är en slags "spinoff" och kommer att handla om newborn-vampyren Bree Tanner (med i Eclipse).
- Boken kommer att vara ca 200 sidor tjock och den släpps 5 juni 2010! Boken kommer att heta “The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner“!
Stephenie skriver att denna “novell” egentligen skulle ha funnits med i den officiella guiden till Twilight-serien, men att den i slutändan blev så lång att den förtjänade sin egna bok!!
Pressmeddelandet från Stephenie Meyer:
I have a new book coming out. It’s called The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner. Well, it’s more of a novella than an actual book—my version of a short story.
Actually, this has been a surprise to me, too. The reason why it’s a surprise was that I never intended to publish this story as a stand-alone book. I began this story a long time ago—before Twilight was even released. Back then I was just editing Eclipse, and in the thick of my vampire world. I was thinking a lot about the newborns, imagining their side of the story, and one thing led to another. I started writing from Bree’s perspective about those final days, and what it was like to be a newborn.
This story was something that I worked on off and on for a while, just for fun, in between the times I was writing or editing other Twilight novels. Later, when the concept for The Twilight Saga: The Official Guide came up, I thought that might be a good place for Bree. Her story is a nice complement to Eclipse; it explains a lot of the things that Bella never knew. So I dusted it off and finished it up for placement in the Guide.
At the same time, it came in handy for the Eclipse film. Melissa (Rosenberg, the screenwriter) had a ton of questions about what exactly was going on in Seattle, how Victoria managed things, what Riley was like, etc. I let her read what I had then, and later gave the whole thing to the director, David Slade. David asked if Xavier, Bryce, and Jodelle (Riley, Victoria, and Bree) could read it as well, so all the parties involved would end up having a really strong foundation for their characters before the cameras started rolling. I was pleased that this side of the story would make it into the film and was looking forward to including it in the Guide.
Then I got the news: my “short story” was nearly 200 pages long when typeset. It was too long to fit into the Guide—without ending up with a tome as heavy as the Oxford English Dictionary. My publisher approached me with the idea of releasing the Bree story on its own. One of the major benefits of this plan was that it would be out before the movie, so people would get to know Bree before they saw her in the film. That made sense to me, and we decided to go ahead with it.
There was one thing I asked for: since this story had always been an extra for me, and was meant to be released with the Guide, I wanted to be able to offer it to my fans for free. You all have bought a ton of my books, and I wanted to give you this story as a gift. My publisher was awesome and embraced this idea. We still wanted to also produce a physical book with a cool cover (see below) that you can add to your set if you like, but starting at noon on June 7th until July 5th, it will also be available online at www.breetanner.com.
One other aspect of this release is the plan to give a more important gift to people who really need it. One dollar of each book purchased in the US from the first printing will be donated to the American Red Cross for their relief efforts in Haiti and Chile and other parts of the world where people are in great need. We’re going to have an option online as well, so you can choose to make a donation if you want when you read the story online. I hope you will. I think that we can really help a lot of people with this.
I really hope you all enjoy this story. I had a blast writing it. I’m glad that after all this time cooling her heels in my files, Bree finally gets her chance to shine.
Thanks for all the support,
Fans of The Twilight Saga will be enthralled by this riveting story of Bree Tanner, a character first introduced in Eclipse, and the newborn vampire world she inhabits. In another irresistible combination of danger, mystery, and romance, Stephenie Meyer tells the devastating story of Bree and the newborn army as they prepare to close in on Bella Swan and the Cullens, following their encounter to its unforgettable conclusion.

- I nuläget går det inte att förhandsboka boken (inte ens på amerikanska sajten), men den kommer att släppas 5 juni (first print: 1,5 milj. kopior)
Kommentar: vi har ingen aning om hur det blir i Sverige, men vi får hålla tummar och tår att även vi kommer att kunna köpa den då. Internetbutiker brukar ju vara snabba på att importera nya titlar!
- Stephenie Meyer säger att “det här är en bok för fansen”. Därför kommer man att kunna läsa de 192-sidorna gratis på sajten breetanner.com from 7 juni till 5 juli.
“As a special thank you to fans, Meyer is giving them exclusive access to the novel on a dedicated website, www.breetanner.com, from June 7 to July 5, 2010 where fans from around the world will be able to read the book online in English. “I’d always considered The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner as something for the fans,” said Meyer. “They have been so supportive of all things Twilight.”
- En dollar av varje såld kopia kommer att gå till Amerikanska Röda Korset!!
The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner kom till användning under inspelningen av Eclipse-filmen!
“Stephenie was gracious enough to let me read a draft of the novella while we were prepping the movie The Twilight Saga: Eclipse,” said Director David Slade. “I thoroughly enjoyed the story and it gave us great insight and inspired location choicesand the tailoring of scenes. I think fans are going to love the fascinating details involved in the loves, fears and actions of an emerging vampire.”
- Tanken var från början att historien om Bree skulle ha funnit med i den officiella guiden till Twilight-sagan (“The Twilight Saga: The Official Guide“), men boken blev så lång att det bestämdes att den skulle bli en självständig bok.
Kommentar: Nu till något intressant; den officiella-guiden väntar vi ju alla med spänning på! Releasedatumet för den har konstant ändrats i tvåårs tid, och i nuläget så är inte ens något releasedatum spikat! Men i pressmeddelandet får vi en hum om att något är på G:
“The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner will also be available as an ebook beginning at 6:00 a.m. EST on June 5, 2010. Additionally, more information about the previously announced The Twilight Saga: The Official Guide, including publication date, will be released by the end of the year.
nedan hittar du de kategorier som casten är med i att rösta på :)

The Twilight Saga New Moon
The Runaways
Best Kiss
Kristen Stewart & Robert Pattinson The Twilight Saga New Moon
Emilie de Ravin & Robert Pattinson Remember Me
Kristen Stewart & Dakota Fanning The Runaways
Taylor Swift & Taylor Lautner Valentine’s Day
Best Female Breakout Star
Anna Kendrick Up in the Air
Best Female Performance
Kristen Stewart The Twilight Saga New Moon
Kristen Stewart The Runaways
Dakota Fanning The Runaways
Best Male Performance
Robert Pattinson The Twilight Saga New Moon
Taylor Lautner The Twilight Saga New Moon
Robert Pattinson Remember Me
Global Superstar
Kristen Stewart
Robert Pattinson
Taylor Lautner
För att rösta, klicka här.
Be Safe/ronjiisss
Ett fan med bilder på casten :)






One of our Eclipsemovie.org readers, The Popper, got to meet and get a picture with Ashley Greene (aka Alice Cullen) at the premiere of Skateland at the SXSW Film Festival in Austin!
THEN, Popper went to New Orleans to watch the Vampire Baseball game and got pictures with Chaske Spencer (aka Sam), Alex Meraz (aka Paul), Tyson Houseman (aka Quil), Daniel Cudmore (aka Felix) and the Frat Boys (Twilight).
These are awesome photos!! Thank you so much Popper for sending this in to us and congratulations!! YOU rock!! Love your shirt too!
Breaking Dawn regissör?
EclipseMovies skriver:
With the third installment of The Twilight Saga nipping at our heels, the final film: Breaking Dawn still hasn’t been given a director. All kinds of names have been thrown in the air from Chris Weitz to James Cameron, but M. Night Shyamalan?
This isn’t an official possibility on the table for Summit — as far as we know — but a noteworthy filmmaker professed his love for Stephenie Meyer’s vampire series in a chat on the Kid’s Choice Awards red carpet over the weekend: M. Night Shyamalan.”I would’ve loved to be– I love the series, and Catherine [Hardwicke's] movie, it was one of my favorite movies of that year,” he said. “Really, I thought tonally, it was a perfect movie. I called her up after I saw ‘Twilight’ and was like ‘That was amazing.’ So I’m a big fan.”
Shyamalan just recently worked with “Twilight” star Jackson Rathboneon “The Last Airbender,” a live-action adaptation of the popular Japanese anime series “Avatar: The Last Airbender.”
Be Safe/ronjiisss
US Weekly hyllar Kristen's stil

”I’m not the type of person who has a million things in my closet,” the actress (in Austin, TX, March 18) has said.
”I don’t dress for fashion magazinesm” the Runaways star (at the L.A. premiere on March 11) has said.
Stewart shimmered in a metallic frock, which she paired with black Serigio Rossi peep-toes in NYC on March 17.
The self-described tomboy looked ladylike in Bally satin heels at the Elle Style Awards in London Feb. 22.
She accessorized with Roger Vivier heels and a Channel diamond bracelet in London on Feb. 21.
”I’m a really typical girl. I look like everyone,” the Yellow Handchief star (at the West Hollywook premiere Feb. 18) has said.
Be Safe/ronjiisss
Robert speaks Ungerska ;)
och det han säger är typ "Tack för tysnaden"
Be Safe/ronjiisss
Ny New Moon still :)
Underbar Fanmade Eclipse-poster :D
KCA: intervju med Taylooor!
Be Safe/ronjiisss

GMTV intervju med Robert :)
Peter Facinelli scans från Backstage Magazine
papa Cullen video-bloggar :)
Rob hänger med i Family guy! ;D
