Chaske Spencer: I would love to see what the Sumerians (earliest known civilization in the world) were like.
In the Twilight saga, if you had the choice, would you have chosen to be one of the Vampires or did you prefer being one of the Wolves?
Chaske Spencer: I prefer to be in wolf-pack!
How exactly does one prepare for the role of playing a man that becomes a werewolf? I see you played Dracula in New York – do you have an interest in these kinds of fantasy roles?
Chaske Spencer: I read the books and dedicated myself to the workout program and Youtubed wolves. Yes, sure, it was fun!
What was it about the role of Sam Uley that attracted you to it?
Chaske Spencer: He is a great character, and it was an opportunity to break some of the native American stereotypes and use the platform to create positive, sustainable changein the world.
What do you think the average person on the street can do to address poverty and make a difference?
Chaske Spencer: Let their voice be heard to their elected officials!
Do you have any plans to come to England and do some stage work?
Chaske Spencer: Not right now but would love to!
Why do you think the Twilight saga has been such an enormous hit?
Chaske Spencer: People can relate to it because it relates to individuals who are outsiders trying to fit in.
You’re something of a sex symbol in the UK but are there any famous UK ladies that have particularly caught your eye?
Chaske Spencer: Kate Winslet.
A number of US stars have settled in the UK and others call it their second home. Would you ever consider living in the UK and where do you consider to be your second home?
Chaske Spencer: Maybe someday. My first home is where my family is, my second home is the UK.
The Twilight films and books are quite sexually charged in an understated/tasteful kind of way. Does any of that sexual tension translate to relationships between the cast off-screen?
Chaske Spencer: Me and Bronson (Pelletier, laughs) just kidding!
Be Safe/ronjiisss
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