lördag 12 mars 2011

Breaking Dawn inspelningen stoppad ett kortare tag

På grund av vad som hände i Japan igår och i natt så har inspelningen av Breaking Dawn stoppats så att casten kan flyttas till ett säkrare ställe då vancover öarna fått en tsunami varning dem med men förhoppningsväs så kommer inspelningen igång så fort som möjligt.
Men det som hän är så fruktansvär, kan inte se på nyheter utan att börja gråta. tänk på alla stackars människor!
Efter att jordbävingen och tsunamin drog in igår exploderade även ett av deras kärnkraftvärk igår vilket gör detta till ett av dem största katastroferna i historien och jag är säker på att ni lider med Japan lika mycket som vi här på bloggen!

PeopleMag With Hawaii and the North American West Coast placed on tsunami advisories early Friday after an 8.9-magnitude earthquake struck in Japan, the Vancouver Island beach area in British Columbia where Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart and the rest of the Wolf Pack are filming the Twilight series' Breaking Dawn has been evacuated.

The actors are not believed to be in any danger, but for safety measures they apparently have been moved out of the region.

The town where production is taking place, Tofino, contains a long stretch of open coast on the furthest westerly point of the island and was seen in the earlier The Twilight Saga: New Moon.

Tinsel Korey, 30, who plays Makah Emily Young in the movies, rather dramatically Tweeted Friday: "They're evacuating us 4 a tsumnani [sic] warning. If this … is my last my tweet. I love you. The end. Hugz."

She later added, "If this is the moment. Then I've lived a good life. And I'm thankful 4 everything I've been given."

Updated! According to LaineyGossip
Vancouver Island has been put on tsunami warning. Twilight production was in Tofino – cast and crew were reportedly moved. mentioned that Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner were among them. Just some clarification on this since you Twi-Hards seem to be panicking about Juliet being without her Romeo Rob in this time of crisis.

The wolves were there, yes. But contrary to the story in People, I have heard from two locktight slamdunk infallible witnesses who SAW Kristen Stewart last night at the Sheraton Wall Centre. It was late. Well past the time that any travel to Vancouver Island would have been possible. She was with her bodyguard/manager/best friend/whatever John. John stepped out of the hotel shortly after to run some errands.

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Be Safe/Ronja

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