torsdag 8 december 2011

Vad Mackenzie egentligen gjorde för pengarna från "svär-burken"

Alla har säkert inte hört denna lilla historia från inspelningen av Breaking Dawn - Mackenzie (aka Renesmee) tröttnade på att resterande cast svor så mycket och satte därför upp en burk där man fick böta när man sa en svordom. alla tyckte detta var så gulligt och ingen vågade säga emot så Mackenzie fick in en hel del pengar och i en intervju på svarta mattan så fick hon frågan om vad hon skulle göra för pengarna men då hade hon inte bestämt det ännu. Nu har uppgifter dock kommit på att hon skänt alla pengar till St. Judes Hosptial! - Mycket svordommar för en god gärning alltså ;)

Youngest Twilight star, Mackenzie Foy (who plays Renesmee Cullen in Breaking Dawn) has received wonderful praise from her co-stars over these past few months. They all agreed “She is sweet, adorable, really smart and stealing the cast’s hearts right and left“.

The ‘smart‘ part doesn’t exactly refer to little Mackenzie being a straight A student (although she actually is one), but to the fact she was so professional and mature on set that she “made every adult there want to be a better adult”. Being on set for the first time, surrounded by adults working on a highly anticipated feature film, must be a challenging experience for a 10 year old actress. And, again, I’m not referring to the long shooting hours or the adult talking going on. I’m talking aboutthe swearing.

It all started when actor Guri Weinberg suggested she should bring a Swear Jar to the Breaking Dawn set. “As anyone on set can tell you, the adults were very partial to a few swear words. Mackenzie was unimpressed. I jokingly told her she should incorporate a cursing jar on set and make people pay up every time they cursed in front of her. She not only did it, she cleaned up. She’s Bill Gates in a 10 year old’s body” says Guri. Her co-star Robert Pattinson also said “ She’s earned a lot of money out of us swearing around her”.

When Mackenzie finally got asked about the infamous ‘Swear Jar’ she proudly admitted: “ Yes it is true! They’d say some bad words and I put it on this little bucket called ‘Swear Jar’.” People tend to assume Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart were the ‘worst’ ones, but Mackenzie made sure to defend her on-screen parents and clarify it wasn’t just them: ”Well, it wasn’t just Kristen and Rob, I mean, they said some bad words too, but it was like everybody said a bad word once or twice. They all swear pretty equally, I don’t actually know who’s the worst. They’d just go ‘Sorry, here you go’ And then it just started getting a little bit more and more so I just got a jar called‘The Swear Jar’ and I left it on set.” How much would they throw in there? “Hmm well, I have prices. Sometimes it’d be $3, sometimes it’d be $1. Depending on the word!” says Mackenzie between giggles.

Many of you must be wondering how much money she’s earned, and what she’s done with it. Any other child might want to spend the money for themselves, but miss Mackenzie donated all the Swear Jar money she got from the Breaking Dawn Set to St. Jude Children’s Hospital. “I don’t know how much there was, I can’t recall it. But I got a lot and I donated it all to St. Jude.” It’s amazing to hear this brilliant little girl is proving the world she has talent and, most importantly, one giving little heart.
Be Safe/Ronja

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