lördag 17 juli 2010

Låång intervju med Stephenie Meyer gjord av!

Stephenie Meyer has had more and more say when it comes to how the movies are made from her beautifully written books. It's hard to get every scene in a 2 hour movie just as it was written in a 629 page book. Stephenie gives advice and guidance when she can. We are very excited that Stephenie will be a producer on 'Breaking Dawn 1 & 2' even though she has taken a very active role in 'Eclipse.'

Ultimately Stephenie Meyer's opinion on the movies is very important to book fans. Usually we tend to agree with the talented lady that wrote the saga. So we brought up some questions in our interview hoping to get down to the bottom of the movie discussions we have had here on twifans.


Angryward...would we say he is a fan favorite!?! Most girl fans are loving Angryward. We think it's because he is the most unrestrained and most like a vampire.

What do you think Stephenie thinks of Angryward and Edward threatening Jacob for kissing Bella? Does she agree, does she thinks he's hot? asks Stephenie Meyer her thoughts on AngryEdward & when Edward threatens Jacob by twifans asks Stephenie Meyer her thoughts on AngryEdward & ... by twifans
The clip in question:

Kim: Okay, we have a question about the Angry Edward, and how hot he is. When he gets angry, he pulls up, and he’s like…ya know……if you ever touch her against her will again. All the fans just love it. We all love it and everybody went crazy. The members, our members, we all wanna know about angry Edward.

Alison: Why do you think the fandom thinks Angry Edward is SO hot?

SM: Ya know it’s funny about this scene, and Meghan’s giving me the eye. That’s the one I walked out on, on the dailies because in my head that scene was so much different. In the movie Edward is quite separate motivation-ally from the book Edward. At this point in the film in the story for me he’s gotten past this. Like he’s realized “I can’t act like a teenage boy anymore. I have to give her space. I have to be the mature one here.” And in that scene in the book, he has, icy calm control. He is very gentle. He is very soft spoken. He is very mature. So when I see him….and plus ya know, the movies are unable to bring to life some of the elements in the mythology. If Edward had, in anger, grabbed Jacob by the shoulder, his arm would have come off. And the fact that Taylor is uninjured, and that he just kind of sits there…..bothered me. So I'm like…wait! If we are gonna go for it, tear his arm off. Ya know. And it’s hard for them, because blood puts you over the limit and stuff, and they would not tear off Jacob’s arm. I’m like….if we want angry Edward, I wanna see some blood. They had already filmed that day, so we couldn’t redo it but, people have responded really well to it.

Kim: That is the thing because it is different than the book.

Alison: He's as close to a vampire as we’ve seen him, because he was so restrained.

SM: And restraint is pretty much his middle name. And we don’t have the scene early in the book, where she comes back from La Push, and he’s like “are you trying to make me insane?” He really lost it. We don’t have that evolution where he goes overboard. We have a little bit, the battery disabling. Which is really over the line, and then he’s supposed to learn and he’s supposed to stop. By that point, we’re so far in, it’s like….”why is he still acting like this?” But okay, it is hot…I’ll give you that.

Kim: It turned out well considering it was a deviation from the book, and anyway……we liked it.

Instead of running off with Jacob when Edward was off hunting, Bella jumps on a motorcycle right in front of Edward's face. The day the clip came out, all I heard was "Bella would never do that!" or "Book Bella would have never hurt Edward like that!"

We brought this up to Stephenie Meyer in our 4 hour chat and let me say it made us happy that she agreed with the fans and helps explain why that scene is the way it is: ask Stephenie Meyer about Bella leaving with Jacob on the motorcycle by twifans

Alison: This is the only disruption in the force so far. The motorcycle clips. Where Bella gets on the motorcycle with Jacob. Our members wanna know, they don’t think that book Bella would have done that, would have ever hurt Edward like that.

SM: I have heard, I have read the comments, and I said the exact same thing. That was one of those days that I flew down. I'm like the way that this you know in the script I said the way that this is written her getting on the back of the bicycle is a direct response here "You lied to me, well I’m going with him” & we were able the day of, they cut down the clip that they played for MTV and stuff, we were able to soften it. We were able to get some lines in and you’ve seen the whole thing, so you know there’s a breakaway we tried to put in….her response to Edward, and then now it becomes about Jacob. “Why haven’t you called me?” We tried as hard as we could to soften, how that went down so it didn’t feel like, something “Well, I’m gonna go get on the back of his motorcycle” because I felt like that was NOT Bella at all & it's not assertive, it’s rude. You know what I mean. It’s not like….

Alison: It’s too reactionary

SM: It’s not like, “I’m a strong female character” It’s like “I’m a jerk”

Alison: We were mad at movie Bella. (Laughs) Book Bella and I were okay, but movie Bella & I were like uh.

SM: That was more or less my same reaction. I think that in the form that it exists in the film……its better now. I think it works somewhat. I still think it’s kind of a stretch that she would do that. You only have so much you can do. That was one I lost. Early in I lost that one. You do what you can do.

Alison: They’ll be happy you agree!

Do you think the conversation before Bella got on the motorcycle softened the blow to Edward's heart and ego? WAIT!?! Did Stephenie just call movie Bella "rude"? LOL


Edward's Volvo is another deviation from the book. Yes, Edward still drives a Volvo in the movie but would Edward really drive a hatch back or a Mommobile? Fans have debated the movie vs book Volvo & we wanted to know what SM thought about it: asks Stephenie Meyer to explain the wrong Volvo by twifans


Kim: Kind of have a little silly question. It’s not super silly. What about the movie Volvo? It’s not like the book Volvo.

Alison: We had to go there.

Kim: And we really have to go there because, ya know, I’m over it now, but….


Kim: What about that?

SM: Ya know, the reason Edward drives a Volvo is to be inconspicuous and because ya know, people see a Volvo and think you buy them for safety. It’s kind of a joke. It’s the way to blend in, because the last thing in the world he needs is a safe car. And so when I was doing the cars. My brothers are car freaks ~~ says to Alison “you know”~~( And I asked them, I said “okay, If you were going to drive a Volvo but you were a care enthusiast” and they were like “ugh” and I’m like “no, what are you gonna drive?” And they were like “well, there’s the S60R. Very limited, and not a lot of people get it. It looks like it’s built for racing” So I’m like “Oh, that’s perfect” but they don’t make them anymore, so that was kind of a problem.

Alison: But they don’t make Bella’s truck anymore either. We could find that

SM: Bella’s truck is a 67’ in the movie and a 53’ in real life. They look nothing the same. Which kills me, because I love the old body style. In the sixties, they got very square. In the fifties, it was all round and it was really of cute. That was actually, that one was harder than the Volvo. But I am very car attached, so yeah……I had. I mean, I didn’t have back in the day….I didn’t really have a lot, I didn’t have a lot to do with Twilight (the movie). They were great about telling me what was going on, but I wasn’t part of the conversation. So with the cars, it was already a done deal. They already had the three sets of them, and I kinda went “ohhh”

Alison: It’s not silver. It’s the mom-mobile

Kim & Alison: now

Alison: It's not a sexy vampire car *whining*

SM: Actually. It’s kind of a fun car. They went with the darker gray. They tried a different shade. I’m interested to see if it evolves again. I’m not sure if it will.

Kim: But there are plenty of them driving around

Alison: They are everywhere here

SM: I wouldn't budge on the Porsche. The right Porsche in the right color.

Alison: Well we just had to ask you because your opinion was really the only one that matters. To the fans.

SM: If I were going to do it. If I were going to raise a bunch of money. The cars would be spot on. That’s how it would go.


Often scenes from the books are changed or left out all together for the flow of the movie. Stephenie explains how and why she picks her battles when it comes to depicting her books into movies. (LTT asks) How does Stephenie Meyer pick her battles? by twifans (LTT asks) How does Stephenie Meyer pick her battles? by twifans

LTT: When do you choose your battles? In seeing the movie and the book. You have the book, they have a vision. They throw out a line, and you’re like “They would have never
said that”

SM: It’s really difficult. Because you do have to choose which ones you won’t bow down on. And I know that even when I really say “Okay, I cannot live with that” It’s still 1 out of 10 I’ll get it. When I really throw a fit. Which is rare. It is really rare because I realize ya know, they’re making a movie. When they come to me for advice, I’m happy say things. There are very few things that I will….and its things that just feel so wrong, that there’s no other way. And some of them are such small little things that, like with the…(?) we were talking about. A lot of that was (?) related. It’s harder than you would
think. It’s funny. Some things you take for granted in movies. And it’s amazing how difficult some things are to do. One of the reasons we were back there was because, there was one blocking issue I had. And nobody else cared, but for me, it was such a key blocking thing. It physically had to look this way. That one, I was like “I really have to have this. I can’t see this like this” & everyone was like really?

Alison: All the fans would have cared. Not one fan would have been happy with that.

Kim: Was that with the tent scene?

Alison: We heard he was sitting up, and……now. La,la,la….he’s laying down.

SM: Lying down, no that’s not it

Alison: Oh, okay

SM: It’s when they are in the sleeping bag together. How do you visualize that?

Alison: Sexy hot

SM: In the original

TST: Don’t ruin the surprise

SM: That’s the expectation

Alison: The surprise would have been, what it was

SM: The one thing I scheduled my whole schedule around in Eclipse was I had to be there for
the tent scene was number one. That was on the calendar. And I had the other scenes in
order of priority, and I had those dates booked. I was already going to Vancouver and they had a weather problem. They filmed it when I wasn’t there. So I’m like “Okay, I’m not gonna panic.” But in the original version, Jacob gets into the sleeping bag (whispers) and doesn’t touch her.

Alison: Like just his legs are gonna keep her warm from the bottom of the sleeping bag?


SM: It’s impossible to keep someone warm when doing that. And then you have the extra added thing. This is the girl he is in love with and he’s in a sleeping bag with her….I mean, come on. I was just
like, “what…why aren’t you touching her? Why isn’t he touching her?” People are going to freak out.

Alison: Everybody would have freaked out

SM: It doesn’t make sense that he would do that and you’d sit there and say “why? He’s supposed to be warming her up, right?” Even if you had no baggage from reading the books, you would still have the same reaction.

Alison: It’s almost like…..common sense (a bunch of mumbling) It’s great now!


Kim: The re-shoot worked. It was great. The emotion that was in the book was in that scene.

SM: It was interesting, because the original script for it, I was fine with but then they tweaked the script because they felt like one part of the conversation got a lot more in depth in the original we kind of already knew. You know, you have the whole rehash when Edward’s talking about “when I first met her” and they pulled that and instead went with the later part of the scene where Jacob’s like “how did you cope?” And I think the emotionality of it just went through the roof.

Kim: The dialogue between Rob and Jake, I mean Edward and Jacob

Alison: And it was so long, and I loved how long it was

SM: Yeah! I love that they just let it happen. I think that, that was Rob’s best day of shooting.
It was so funny, did you guys hear all the rumors about the problems? Rob was only supposed to be there for the last day. The first two were Jacob and Bella scenes where the wig had been a problem. The last day was the tent was the tent and that was it & it was a pretty easy shoot. The only problem for that day was that Kristen had the stomach flu and luckily, she was supposed to lay there, but between every like scene, oh, she was so sick. And Taylor, he was over digging around, grabbing garbage cans. Why is Taylor taking the garbage? Takes them over there so she could puke in them.
It was so sweet. Everybody was taking care of her and everything, but it was a hard day. You look at actors and a lot of people are like “I wanna be an actor” it's so hard and then to sit there. She’s wanting to puke and she's all feverish, and she’s having to do the shivering. She was a work horse that day. That was our only drama was that poor Kristen got sick, and I think it was food poisoning. But it was a great shoot. It was one of those days where at the end you're like “We really killed it today! It's gonna be great!" It was a great day.


Stephenie Meyer has signed on to be in control of every detail of "Breaking Dawn 1 & 2'. This means everything from eye color, to sparkles, to makeup and hair. Do you think this will change anything? Do you think every detail will be stamped "Stephenie Meyer Approved"!?! We hope so but let's see what Stephenie thinks about the official title and added responsibility: ask Stephenie Meyer what she brings to the table as a Producer for 'Breaking Dawn' by twifans

Alison: What made you decide to put the producer hat on for Breaking Dawn? And what do you think you’ll bring to that last movie?

SM: I don’t think it’s gonna change that much. I do feel like, I mean Breaking Dawn is tricky. It’s real tricky. Now, I feel like we have more of a handle on it. Because the script and with Bill Condon. I am more calm, but originally, I was very much on the fence. Maybe we shouldn’t make this into a movie, ya know. Some things can’t be made into a movie and come across exactly the right way. So it was a big struggle for me to go forward. I knew it would disappoint a lot of people, and that was really one of the main instances, that people would be like “What?” I didn’t want to disappoint people. So I was concerned. And still my plan was and still is, to be there every day. And so as the producer, can do that. So it’s really a lot about being….in the room. And it’s going to be a lot of upheaval in my life, but I felt like it was important. And then also, it’s the last one. So I kinda feel like, I’m going to commit to this for this year, I’ll get it done, and then I won’t do that again.


SM: And then also. I get to be more involved with it.

Jodi: I have this recorded

SM: Ya know, I think we will have a little more of the same music, which will be a big deal. Instead of hearing about the decisions afterward. We will be there when they are being made. That’s gonna help. With Eclipse, I was pretty much, right on the line with producing. I was very much involved with the script and a lot of the choices. So it’s not a huge difference, but it’ll be really, an interesting experience.

Kim: Well we breathed a sigh of relief when we heard you were producing.

SM: I don't know if those sighs are a little bit premature. I’m not sure that there will be that much more that I can do. um…..but, I keep fighting. I can’t quite make myself give up, so.

Alison: We do appreciate it.

SM: They can’t be exactly like the book. So it’s about having those key things that can make it, have that feel of the book. They have really done a really great job and not all of it I get right away, because for me it’s like “no, keep it closer to the story”. Then I have to say. “Okay, this is a good alternate” but it has it’s merits… angry Edward. It wasn’t in the book, and yet….that has a lot of value for you. There are things that they’re able to do that I can’t do. It’s a nice little compliment. And like Taylor and the love for Jacob. That’s a good thing. A good thing

Alison: Yeah!

To be continued....

Be Safe/ronjiisss

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